WTH: Are you a l33t h4x? Possible job opening


lololololololololololololololololololololol… breath, breath, breath… lolololololololololololol.

Thanks, I needed that. IBM’s systems are the most over-rated piles of shit I’ve ever worked with. And when you call support you’re lucky if you find one with experience with anything other than a little PC. We spent almost a year trying to get a clustered IBM server running MS-SQL before IBM eventually gave up, refunded our money, and we bought a Dell. This was after they had sent their IBM ninjas to our site to try fixing it multiple times. IBM went through 4 SCSI RAID controllers in that time period. It got to the point that we would hold our breath around the damn thing because we were sure the slightest tremor would cause the SCSI cards to blow.

Sorry for going off topic, but that year+ of crap I went through meant I can never stay quiet when I hear someone say IBM > Dell.


odd, we have a dozen ibm x servers in production along with two IBM Sans with zero problems other than some edge memory going bad. not to mention that we run a gfs clsuter across all of them all sharing the same luns with zero problems.

out of the 100 or so servers i manage between the dells and ibms the ibms have had the less problems and easiest to work with.