WTH: Pooper Scooper $40 / hour - Clean Baldy is Your Man!

Hmm hire this kid to pick up shit or have fun blasting shit into the neighbors with the power washer… decisions decisions

BTW, I’ll match the offer Nikuk is providing and we live pretty close to each other so you’d save on gas. One 90lb dog and the back yard is broken up by a shed and pool so the crap is pretty condensed in one general area.

I’ll even give you access to a hose to clean the shit/mud off your shoes before you drive home. :slight_smile:

I’ll only hire that neon kid if he promises to come over in full makeup and do the job while being chased by my dog while I video tape it.

There is alot of money to be made in here…

c’mon, its not like you had anything else planned for this evening. You’ve got $100 in this thread.

i live right off of longmeadow in amherst. Im pretty sure its very close to Nikuk and probably close to JayS too.

whoever does this is getting a custom title.



Picking up dog shit today will seem like paradise compared to getting your shit packed in while you’re in jail. :wink:

i would do zerodazes house he has a small yard… so someone could make about 120 bucks off all this…ill work for turbo parts

I’ll even keep the pooper picker upper name’s anonymous so they don’t get the custom title.

Unless it is Skunk.

if you offer good parts in trade for poop pick up you can give me the title :gotme:

I don’t think I have any parts you can use. What are you looking for?

Or you can use the cash for w/e parts you want.

I think this thread will be linked to a lot in various advice threads.

Sorry, no Honda parts.
That would be a even trade, poop for poop :slight_smile:


lol no honda parts no care…no work

i have to clean my horse’s everyday witch is about 3 wheelbarrow’s full everymorning at 530… shit i should quit my job and scoop poop …will you offer free health ins.???

The service industry.
Is this what they were talking about when they told us not to worry about manufacturing jobs leaving the US?
We can all be pooper scoopers.

I just offered these jobs to my little (14 - 19) cousins… no go.

Kids these days, just don’t understand the value of a dollar I guess.

I can only imagine the custom title hahaha

yes, you can do my house too… i’ll only give you $10 though, there is only like 10 piles left

LOL yea the pressure washer is actually a fecal matter particle gun, it just makes it dissappear.

your uncle has a lawn that is 100% coated with fucking shit. lol.

Power washer + shit = Fertilized lush green lawn!

ill do it. seriously. i could use the custom title.

I just finished doing mine…

Lets see, 3-4min getting the biatch started, and maybe 10min including turning on the outside faucet, digging for the hose and spraying the shit into “places” i don’t care about…

15minutes of light labor, $20 saved :slight_smile:

Never had the idea of powerwashing shit when i bought her… Such a multitool!