
Ok crew, this is the easiest and most comprehensive list of jobs we have open currently. While we are always looking to hire good people these are some of our more immediate needs

Any questions, let me know!




So far so good.

I started @ the Chevy Dealer on Como/Transit 2 weeks ago. Very friendly people to work with. Wouldn’t think twice about applying. :bigtup:


What’s the rate going for the tech guru job???

All of our pay plans are based on performance and/or skill levels. Techs are especially tough so if you are interested I would make it a point to go to the location you are interested in to see the service manager.

Actually I was referring to the “Computer, Web, Video, Technolgy Guru” postion. Although I may have to pass the service tech job to someone I know…

Bump. I am looking for a somewhat experienced salesperson for Joe Basil Chevy to work in the resale department for me if anyone knows who might fit