X Games Rally Selection

X Games Rally selection begins

It will only be a matter of weeks before fans will know who they can expect to see competing in the inaugural X Games rally this August in Los Angeles.

The race will feature a dozen teams competing in Open class. All but two will be selected by a seven-member committee that is expected to make its first selections by the end of the week. The final spots will go to the winners of the next two rounds of the Rally America series.

“Drivers are being considered on their merits,” says Rally America spokesman J.B. Niday, who is one of the members of the selection committee.

As many as four exhibition-only two-wheel drive entries will also be selected.

There is no application process; instead, the committee will determine as many as eight competitors based on talent and commitment to the series. Speed factors and podium finishes in the 2005 and 2006 championship, and the likelihood that these teams will be series regulars in the future, will be among the key factors considered.

“When people tune in to watch this rally, I want them to see the same guys at the X Games as they see in the series,” says Niday.

As many as four high-profile drivers from outside the series will also be invited to compete. Under the selection criteria, they must have a demonstrated ability in a rally car or a similar vehicle.

“They have to be able to present themselves well,” says Niday.

But there will be an opportunity for two more competitors to earn a chance to compete in the X Games rally. The highest finisher among Open Class, PGT and Group N competitors at the Susquehannock Trail and the Maine Forest rallies will qualify for the event, and runners-up will qualify as alternates.

For the exhibition two-wheel drive entries, the committee will be looking for excitement as well as speed.

The first picks – three drivers from the motorsports community at large and three Rally America drivers – will be made as early as Friday. Even so, it will be a few weeks before selections are announced. Drivers will have a week to respond to invitations, and the list won’t be announced until competitors are confirmed.

The members of the committee are competitor and DC Shoes founder Ken Block, Special Stage owner and competitor Ben Bradley, veteran driver and team owner John Buffum, Sport Compact Car journalist and competitor Dave Coleman, co-driver and TV host Nathalie Richard, automotive writer and rally expert Bill Wood, and Rally America Managing Director J.B. Niday.

The following is the official selection criteria document for the X Games 12 Rally:

X Games 12, Rally America, Rally Event

The event shall have 12 Open Class entries as well as a small field of 2WD exhibition-only entries numbering either 2 or 4. There should be no more than 3 alternate Open Class entries.

The 12 Open Class entries, as well as the alternates shall be in cars prepared to Rally America Open Class specifications. The Rally America Technical Director shall inspect the competition vehicles, prior to the event.

Invitees will receive no expense reimbursement, appearance fee or other compensation, other than the prize purse, from either ESPN or Rally America. The prize purse will be established by ESPN. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Drive and Co-Driver will receive X Games medals. There will be no prize purse or medals for 2WD entries.

All invitees will have 7 days to accept their invitation. Failure to acknowledge will be considered a rejection of the invitation.

All invitees competition vehicle must be accepted as legal, competitive and presentable by Rally America at least one week prior to X Games registration.

Entries will be selected under the following criteria:

  1. At Large Entries.
    a. No less than 2 and no more than 4 high profile drivers who are not recognized as Rally America competitors shall be invited.
    b. They must have demonstrated their ability in a rally car or similar vehicle.
    c. They must also be capable of performing competitively relative to the rest of the field.
  2. Rally America Entries.
    a. There shall be no less than 6 and no more than 8 plus the first alternate entry.
    b. The selection committee will only consider drivers who have competed in Rally America National rallies.
    c. New Rally America fans should reasonably expect to see these drivers in the future.
    d. Judgment criteria will include, but not be limited to, 2005/2006 podium finishes and Speed Factors.
  3. Last Chance Entries
    a. There shall be 2 last chance entries plus the last two alternate enries based on the following Rally America results.
    b. The highest finisher, not already invited, among Open Class, PGT and Group N at Susquehannock Trail Performance Rally will receive an invitation to the X Games Rally.
    c. The second highest finisher, not already invited, among Open Class, PGT and Group N at Susquehannock Trail Performance Rally will receive an invitation to be the second alternate entry to the X Games Rally.
    d. The highest finisher, not already invited, among Open Class, PGT and Group N at Maine Forest Rally will receive an invitation to the X Games Rally.
    e. The second highest finisher, not already invited, among Open Class, PGT and Group N at Susquehannock Trail Performance Rally will receive an invitation to be the third alternate entry to the X Games Rally.
    f. If a competitor, previously invited as an alternate, qualifies for a full invitation under either b. or d. above, then the alternate from that rally, as selected under c. or e. above moves up and the next fastest finisher becomes the 3rd alternate.
  4. 2WD Entries.
    a. The most exciting 2WD drivers, not necessarily the fastest.
    b. These shall number no less than 2 and no more than 4 entries.

The selection committee shall have 7 members representing Rally America officials, competitors, as well as journalists actively covering rally who are familiar with the current drivers and agree to follow the selection criteria.

  1. Ken Block. Founder of DC Shoes, hires high profile athletes, 2005 Rally America Rookie of the Year driver.
  2. Ben Bradley. Organizer, Owner of Special Stage, long time competitor.
  3. John Buffum. Hall of Fame driver, long time team owner
  4. Dave Coleman. Sport Compact Car writer, rally driver
  5. J.B. Niday. Rally America Managing Director
  6. Nathalie Richard. 2005 Rally America Overall and Group N champion co-driver, host of Rally America 2006 TV program
  7. Bill Wood. Media writer has followed U.S. rally for over 25 years

I wonder who ken block is going to select…TP maybe?

But finally an x-games event i can watch.


Interesting that Nathalie Richard is on the selection committee too. Does this mean she can’t vote for her brother?

i hate to say it but her brother has to be in it. travis has to be in it too. i mean i would love to play favorites…but really the bigger picture is about exposure for the sport. a name like TP, and a driver like richard (with his track record coming with it) would be the best thing for it.

i think there should definetly be some autosport engineering involvment too, i mean graham does build the sickest cars running.

oh boy… colin macraie is now signed up…

at least hes decent esposure already having so many video games with his name on it.

It will be interesting to see where this[X Games] takes Rally in America.

Well it can’t hurt! I mean how hard is it for one station to pick up WRC and no one does it? All i want is to be able to watch WRC on tv again and mybe by some miracle witness a North American WRC event.

On a sort of related note… Sebastien Loeb now has the same number of WRC wins as Colin McCrae and Tommi Makkinen, with 25. One more win and he ties the all-time leader, Carlos Saintz. We could be looking at the most successful WRC driver of all time by the end of this season.

i like it.

nice ending

amazing ending. I still think mcrae did a better job in a car that he coulden’t have had much seat time in on a course that he had never been on.

That was awesome, just watched it off the dvr. I think that finale kind of setup would be absolutely awesome to keep doing. Thats the kind of thing this sport needs to really catch hold in america, where the average spectator wants to sit in a seat and drink beer.

kinda off topic, rally was awesome, but did anybody see travis doing the backflip?? holy shit

double backflip… retarded.