XBOX rant

wheres the rest of the article? i want to see the list of what he used to fix it.

get the error code from the ring of death. the lights flashing mean something and you can trouble shoot it from there.

the biggest issue with them is the thermal paste around the gpu and cpu get loose so you can reset it with a hair dryer or heat gun.

Nah man, my PC gives me the ring too…


Screw you XBOX fags, I should be pwning you in COD4 but you’re too busy playing against 12yr olds on your little console… of course that can only last so long, cause its gonna break.

I’ll have an elite soon enough… but not until they find a cure.

because online gaming via PC is ANY different. :spank:

FPS on a PC > FPS on a console, however I’m not so hardcore about it - most of my friends have Xboxs and I just play moreso to play with friends.

The 360 really sounds like an appalling product. Could you imagine how much you’d all be bitching if you had all bought a certain kind of car and they kept blowing engines?

$350 vs $20,000 is hardly the same thing.

So is such a high failure rate acceptable then? What if the soles kept falling off _____ brand shoes after 3 months?

Never is a high rate acceptable but to play the games that people like playing, they will put up with it (as well as the PS3’s lack of good titles). When it doesn’t fail it’s good stuff.

I agree with you, I just think its piss poor that Microsoft has let it stay on the market as long as they have when it seems as though a failure is a near certainty.

Their new 65nm process CPU’s run cooler and they have completely redesigned the heatsinks for both.

a super easy way to see if it is a falcon console is to look on the side sticker on the box, and it will say 175w, not 203w. If it’s 175w, it’s definitley a falcon console.

How many 12yr olds do you know running COD4 on the PC?
I don’t know any.
I don’t even know of any 12yr olds with PCs that would be able to play it.
I haven’t run across any either.

This isn’t the days of CS where you could play it at school… you need a decent PC to play this game.

Now shush Nik… adults are gaming. :retard: