xm online radio > *

fuck sirius…

sirius or whatever has like 800,000 users… xm has over 2million.

xm > sirius

plus i was looking at the handhelds with the radios that you clip them into for the house / office… sirius has like 2 models and xm has like 10 and they were all better quality :dunno:

fuck howard stern too.


How much is XM compared to Sirius per month? Sometime in this coming year I may finally get rid of my head unit from 1996 and replace with a satellite compatable one.

Sirius is $84 or something around there for a year.

xm is like 11 a month including internet radio…

Doesn’t sirius allow you to listen over the net for free, whereas it costs money from XM? And I’ve read that if you sign up for all the premium servies that XM provides, its nearly $20 a month while for the $12 a month you pay for Sirius it has everything, there are no extras to pay?

Plus sirius has all the NFL games. Nice.

dont know…

my only responce is…

i don’t pay for xm do fug it
i like to watch NFL games, not listen and if i am, i’d rather it be bill hill :hs:

does sirius infact allow you to listen for free?

By free i mean its included in the subscription, where with XM its an add on to the service to listen over the net

When you get a sirius subscription you can listen to it for free on the net, we do it at work all teh time with my buddies account. Sirius is 12 bucks a month. Yes XM is cheeper but so is what you get. with the NFL games and then stern moving over, sirisus seems to be the better package.

I have listend to both, and it just seems that sirius has a better channel selection.

As for the portable players if its what I think you are talking about they have more than 2 :slight_smile:

Plus is you have dish network you get all the sirius music stations for free if you have at least the top 100 package. :smiley:

only stations you don’t get on dish are the Sport and talk stations.

oh if you buy a year in advance you get one month free and if you buy two years up front you get 3 moths free, so iut basically cancells out the 1 dollar more per month with XM. Plus sirius has a thing right now where you can pay a one time fee of $499 and never have to pay again as long as you have that tuner.

Also each additional subsciption under your name is half price. so when I activate mine and jenns since they will both be under my name I will only have to pay 6 a month for hers and I will be paying in advance for both of them.


oh and here is all 45 products of plug and play from sirius so you can take it form your home to your office :slight_smile:

humm… that’s a lot of info.

of coarse, my pure hatred for howard stern assures that i’ll be going XM when the time comes :stuck_out_tongue:

the assholes as best buy (whom i wouldn’t ask shit, they just pester me and after the 3rd douche bag in 5 minutes asked me if they can help i entertain a request only to get fucking incorrect information…) … so yeah, the assholes at best buy said sirius only had 3-4 portables and 2 stereo’s to ‘plug into’

regardless i always have high speed and have my home system online, so i can just play interweb radio…

just wondering what the deal was!

that was the main problem right there. I aksed this one asshole at the monroeville who looked like a justin timberlake wannabe if the antenna that came in this tuner kit for my kenwood head unit was the CX-40 and he goes, "I donno man, an antenna is an antenna.

Mean while its not and kenwood has 2 or 4 different types of antennas alone with different shielding and what not.

best buy and circut city are garbage… i love when i ask people shit i just assume they are wrong these days… don’t know why i thought that douche knew anything…

i had the same problem when i bought my xm, i asked the kid a question and all he had to say was, thats a good question, i dont know , then preceeded to give me the incorrect parts to go with the receiver i bought, till i corrected him and told him that xm was cheaper a month than sirius…and if you pay xm off in advance you save money too, i paid like 200 bucks for 2 years

yeah XM has the buy more and its cheeper butt that only starts when you buy 2 or more. IF you want to buy 1 year you still pay full price. Mean while Sirius you get dicounted for 1 year too. or you could pay month to month if you want…


XM with internet listening is still $1 a mo cheaper than Sirius is, with their “built in” internet listening.
