considering satelite radio
anybody here running one? sirius or xm? what does everyone prefer?
considering satelite radio
anybody here running one? sirius or xm? what does everyone prefer?
I have 3 radios and have been listening for about 3 years. Absolutely no reason to go back to terrestrial radio…it blows.
sirius for sure…
couldn;t have said it better my self.
ive been with xm for a while and i like it, BUT we have sirius in the shop and i like that better.
Sirius for sure!!
It all depends on what you want,
There is more music by around 700000 more songs on XM at a higher bandwidth.
Hockey, baseball, Golf and Indy is all on XM
Nascar, NFL and Stern are sirius.
I’m over Howard… you want a laugh you gotta listen to Jason Ellis on Faction 28 from 3pm-7pm.
Ellis is a pro-skater, amateur drifter, MMA fighter, Austrailian dude who is just funny funny funny.
i like xm better.
i hear there merging tho.
Sirius Satellite!
I like Sirrius as they offer that lifetime service for like $350. Pay once and that’s it; no monthly BS.
sirius. Then put it on faction 28 and remove all buttons on your reciever. Jason ellis for the win.
XM’s 24/7 Metallica station has owned me for the last month… the dial hasn’t moved once from there…
I have heard tho, that you will soon (if not already) be able to purchase packages consisting of stations from both XM and Sirius. That is kinda cool, cause I like stations from both… XM is #1 in my books tho. 2 of the 3 Jazz stations are great too.
One thing’s for sure, get a home docking kit… so you can shmooze the ladies with whatever commercial-free music you thimk they are into… if she’s a cougar, they have the shlock-rock of the 70’s and 80’s, if she’s into the dance, they have a few dance stations… if she’s into trance, they have a great station for that, if she’s new anged and shit they even have a starbucks channel playing all of the contemporary-sap you hear in their shops…
24/7 Metallica?!?! Tempting!
there is nothing to do with canada and the merg at the moment as the US and Canadian companys are independent of each other.
Afain you have to think of wat you are going to want to listen to and then make your decision, with this some one else’s opionion means shit because we all like something a little different.