Ya know what really grosses me out?

:lol: brett

I didnt realize that warts had puss… damnit, you had to ruin the thread and I went and looked that shit up.

Genital warts do not puss!

Bastard. I hate being so friggin curious…

Now, there is a lot of nasty stuff that IS disturbing and made me want to wretch when I went searching through STD pictures. :barf:

ugh, i just realized that eyes being a mucous membrane, that eye herpes is, in theory, possible

why uncle bootsy gotta come up like that on my caturday :tdown:

Got that same problem with the ladys hair all in the shower drain.

I used to scrape it out by hand, then said to myself “what the fuck am I doing”

Now I keep a bottle of super foam snake or drano gel under there, and just let it blast it away.

bloody tampons, nothing is more disgusting than them… Ick i’m gonna have nightmares now

Make your gf clean up her own hair.

and poor pug :frowning:

and the grossest thing to me is at work when i see bald guys and they have open sores on the top of their bald head. I’m kinda tall for a chick, so i have to look at these things. Wear a freakin’ baseball cap.

True Story.

Moral: Wash your fruit and veggies before eating.

Audios will appreciate this one.

I was in Buffalo, I had the gritty a-hole and I had to make a stop at the nearest bathroom. Wegmans was the closest loser.

So I’m absolutely ripping it up in the wegmans restroom, (backsplash was inevitable) when a dude comes in and starts his count down to ground zero. I’ll spare the details, but it was ploppy.

I finished first. I made my way to the sink and started washing my unworthy hands, when the guy next to me finished and opened up the stall door. So, as expected, I’m feeling a little embarassed knowing that we shared this intimate, stinky moment together, and we’re about to stand side-by-side; feces-ala-feces.

But to my surprise, the motherfucker walks past the sink and heads straight for the door. The look on my face was priceless, as I could’ve guessed what was going to happen next. So I’m paper-towling my hands, praying to satan-almighty that he had already purchased his peaches and other fruit, when I opened the door…

First thing I see is that old bastard “plumping” tomatoes with his shit-wiping hand for freshness. Now keep in mind, my shit may have smelled like cheese, but that old son of abe made it extra sharp. I’m not sure what happened next, but I woke up in my gf’s bathroom cuddled next to a box of baby wipes, crying…

Statistics show that 3 out of 4 people don’t wash their hands after taking a shit. Fess up!

Did you wash your hands after this one?

Cashews Bitch

ewwww thats fucking gross i ALWAYS wash my hands after i boo boo, i even kind of freak out a bit at my day job because the only soap we have is orangeglow like grease remover shit and im pretty sure its not antibacterial. i will confess, i rarely wash after i wee wee but not a big deal, i always do when im at work at night (resturaunt) i wash my hands like every 2 minutes when im working in the kitchen…

:lol: @ ilc


PHY158, i remember contesting that as well going through it, buncha bullshit

I expected this to be an employee…

But I suppose it being a shopper is actually worse, since there are a greater number of them.


And oops, I didn’t mean 3 out of 4, I meant 1 out of 4. 25% is still a pretty gross number.