yes it's true

I understand where you are coming from, but stuff does happen. Like I said, mine almost fell off Hybrid’s lift & I checked it everytime. Jay & I were doing the headers & they were on/off about 25-30 times. The truck needed set down all the way every time to access the 2 header bolts on each side. It was when it was down all the way (when the suspension became loaded again) it would push the 2 2x8" “risers” off to one side or the other, which in turn moved the truck about 1/2" each time (of course Jay or I did not notice this - the risers were needed because the truck is too low to get the lift arms under it.). The lift was always contacting the frame of the truck & still had weight on it. All that really happened in my case was that the lift arm moved over & the truck became flexed on the lift. I set it back down immediately and corrected the issue. It still scared the shit out of Jay & I, though. Before/after this, every time the truck was lifted, I gave it the shake test & it always passed.

So shit does happen, no matter how careful you are.

Eric, sorry about your car & I hope everything works out.