Yet ANOTHER reason I will never own a motorcycle

  1. Sarcasm

  2. WTF are you even talking about?

yet again. gay

(is that all spelled right?)

Oh god, I see we’ve got the spelling police in here.

Anyways, that was definitely the motorcylists fault, he cut directly into the cars fender. And I disagree with the whole “the most dangerous part of riding a bike is the asshole drivers out there who aren’t paying attention” bullshit theory. During the summer, I see crotch rockets ripping wheelies, passing in the turning lane, going 3x the speed limit, no signals, and just plain dicking around when they shouldn’t be. That shit is so dangerous, and I don’t think a lot of riders think that. When I talk to people that ride bikes and I say “Ya know, you shouldn’t be following that closely behind other cars” or something similar they usually come up with some excuse like “Ohhh my bikes mad manuverable, I can just steer around them on a dime” type responce. I guess I’m just rediculously defensive now when I’m driving because I know how quickly things can happen when somebody makes an inadvertant fuckup on the road.

You can’t just cut people off when switching lanes.
Unsafe merge by the bike, end of story.

Like T-Boning some bitch on her cell phone?

We can’t conclusively tell who’s fault from that video. Regardless of who was at fault, the bike loses. period.

That’s why I won’t own a crotch rocket. I have faith in myself, but not everyone else. Either way I would be on the losing end of car meets bike, every time.


and i’m definitely not laughing because i think what you said was funny.

i seriously hope you are joking.

100% serious. How many times have you spiked your brakes because of a trooper shooting radar? How many times have you been caught up in conjestion due to people rubbernecking at someone probably tagged at ~15 over on a normally smooth running divided highway? Is everyone paying attention to what the other cars are doing while gawking at the poor sap?

Like: “oh well, guys probably dead, I don’t give a fuck”.