Yet ANOTHER reason I will never own a motorcycle

people are fucking dumb, probably a woman

holy shit…

stupid drivers are the most dangerous part of owning a motorcycle

a kid that lives in my home town just got killed similarly. fucking shitty drivers

i could be wrong, but it looks like the bike merges from the right lane, into the left lane, in front of a car that was going a lot faster than him

That happened in England, so it doesn’t count…

upon further inspection that looks right, but i cant exactly tell

Is it your goal to have everything you say make you look more like an idiot?

He was lane changing so its his fault for not looking…but then again the guy in the back is always at fault in these situations.

Not true, there are cases where you can rear end someone and not be at fault.

  1. They pulled out in front of you leaving you not time to avoid them.
  2. They change lanes in front of you, again leaving you no time to avoid them (assuming you’re doing the speed limit).

My guess, that accident was a combination of rubbernecking and improper lane change. The bike changed lanes without looking, and the van was staring at cop car on the side of the road.

I love how slow the police guy strolls over there.

ugh that pisses me off…if i was that guy, and i managed to walk away from the crash by some miracle…my first plan of action would be to walk up to that van, politely ask them to open the window or door, and then punch them in the face, as hard as i possibly could…maybe twice

Great, so you turn a MVA into an assualt charge on you :tup:

self defense…they attack me with a car, i attack them with a fist…you can defend yourself with any weapon equal to or lesser than that used against you…i think a car is more lethal than my fist…so it could work…

^ :lol: another “Law and Order” trained legal expert.

because every accident is always an intentional act to hurt you. it’s an accident for a reason. I doubt your fist is accidentally going to hit their face…

Do I honestly care what people on the internet think about me??? Think about it… it’s words on a forum board.
Kinda like shut the fuck up or I’ll make your fugly looking kids watch me push your wifes poop in. See basically a bunch of words. You probably wouldn’t understand the sarcasim of the internet since you have something wrong with you that no one can really pronounce anyways. So it’s okay.
Funny how people tweak over something that never happened to them. Probably was a woman driver, and talking on her cell phone with her baby in the back seat.

Assuming of course, that you were paying attention so that you could have the time to react, and not eating french fries, drinking coffee, talking on your cellphone, or just zoning out in general. etc. etc.

Also, you cannot tell from the video what the speed limit is. The bike could have been doing the speed limit, and the van could have been speeding in the slow lane. Now who’s at fault? Just for fun though, count the lines, or place your mouse cursor on the right guardrail across from the parked car as a reference point. Check te speed of the red van and the other two vehicles as they come into the frame and pass your cursor/reference point in the shot just before the accident. Then look at the speed that the bike was going. Then look at the speed the van was travelling at. Improper lane change? Or illegally speeding van? Too many variables to place blame with such a tight camera window.

The caption on the video is incorrect, only the bike gets tossed back into traffic, the rider was not.

that probably didn’t feel too good. but i agree, since i ride a motorcycle that the mirrors only show you so much and what they show you is less than what a car does. so if you don’t take the time to look over your shoulder, shit like that will happen. when i change lanes i check multiple times cause you never know what the crazy drivers out here in cali are going to do next. i just picked up a pair of riding pants with pads, so when i ride i now have helmet, jacket, pants, and gloves. gotta keep it safe.

Another issue to look at here is the fact that the police had vehicles pulled over, probably for some BS moving violation and it caused the biker and the van to rubber-neck, taking focus off the road. The handing out of speeding tickets only caused a big distraction and did more harm than good.