Yoshi = Zep = Ceasium?

Pardon me for my ignorance…

Been wondering who Yoshi was… he has mod powers. But I’ve never heard of that. After investigating a little bit into stats of posting powers. Seems like Zep stopped posing. So I assume that Yoshi = Zep…?

Sorry for the stupid question! -_-;;

yes, I think it went Zep than Ceasium than sushi and now Yoshi (Yoshi is hanging from the back of his car)

haha yah man its me sorry :slight_smile:

Don’t worry about it guys, Rick is just having an identity crisis :stuck_out_tongue: .

ahahah some times…

i like this name better tho doint you guys? …

Yes I do Zep, er… I mean Ceasium, ah… I mean Yoshi, umm… arrrrrrrgggggg toooooo mannnnny naaaaaaaames :confused: :confused: :confused:


They’re all pretty creative… but it’s indefinitive(is that a word?), which makes it confusing

indefinite u mean?

and i just forgot what i was gunna say argh

it through me off at first because yoshi is dennis’ nickname from duel

Zep/Sushi/Yoshi is just a transformer =P he’ll go back to Zep…eventually lolz

yaya… i just like to **** around thats all… hahaha… gets people thinking… and about dennis i really dont know what they call him and i couldent care less… ill keep this one for a week longer or so then im back to Zepish… haha

omg im zep again wtf!!!

I triple dog dare you to call yourself…drum roll please



thats kinda gay

Ofcourse it is, but no more so then changing your name all the time ;).

:stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:


huh? :confused:

thanks rick

but now whats with the Z? u dont got a Z lol

but eventually i WILL own a Z…

Z33!! its a dream… don’t hate!! …dreams can come true! lmao and its a realistic goal… but not till i’m done having fun with my S14