You can't get aids from fucking a hooker with a garbage bag....odyssey of a SC400

search my posts. I believe i posted it randomly somewhere

this thread…

your so special ron

You’re* :tongue

And yes, Shift just wouldn’t be the same without Ron. He’s one of those priceless members that would shatter the fabric of this community if he ever left us.


on another note since Jacko died I have moved up on the FBI’s top Pedo’s list. I am now number 12 right above the dude who plays Barney the purple dinosaur

12? Slacker.

america has become obese. Little girls are all fat now.




I am finally getting my back lip finished off and painted. SHould only be like another 2-3 weeks.

So excitied

photos please, Ron!

I just dropped the stuff off so I dont have photos.

Actually i might have some on my old camera I’ll see if i can borrow it from my mom.

ask them to take pics at the shop. i want to see this.

Vadim, just buy this damn thing. You’re so gay for it. :lol

quiet, wench! :lol
I totally have a thing for older Japanese sleds. LOVE EM.:number1

If you wanted something old/rwd/auto you should have bought my Supra then. :tongue

no ur supra was Old/RWD/Auto/GHETTO AS HELL

i dont think ive ever seen it, have i?

it was a 91 black not turbo automatic supra.

he said it I didnt

Got a little care package from illgarage today thanks to Kevin.

Stickers, porn and a cool little JZZ article

sick! i needz me some ill sticker hook ups. guess i need to know more people.