You knew it was coming v. Mortgage fallout.

The biggest overhaul of our financial regulatory system since the Great Depression is now under proposal:

Interesting, very interesting.

But Paulson urged restraint at implementing the proposals, which could meet with criticism from Congressional Democrats. He said that enacting major changes could burden a market already under strain.

“These long-term ideas require thoughtful discussion and will not be resolved this month or even this year,” he said.


its getting annoying trying to lock in an interest rate

I bet it is but for the interest rate you will end up getting i bet it will be worth it.

Reading the actual proposal is worse than watching cspan in Spanish but from the opinions I’ve read this seems like a good move.

Where’s the actual proposal? Not that I have time to read 200+ pages of economic policy, but it’d be interesting to skim a few pages.

im trying to lock in at 5.75… bank expects rates to drop this week… so hopefully they do, and i can lock in… im just tired of reading every bit of mortgage information i can, and not having access to mortgage security prices is annoying

not as interesting as the spitzer documents

It’s just another way for the central bank to have more control over our country and eventually the world. I wouldn’t be surprised if this whole thing was allowed to happen for the purpose of enacting sweeping changes in the regulations of our financial system by the federal reserve. The people in power in their right minds with common sense would not have allowed such things to go on unless there was something in it for them in terms of a greater goal or agenda. It’s only common sense that what goes up will come down and when you rise fast you fall fast.

I would be willing to bet that they introduce the Amero now (currency for the north american union) to combat our weak dollar and show that it is the wave of the future. This kind of stuff makes me sick.

Yea i feel what you are saying. I am doing the program with M&T right now where they match your money 4-1 for ten months up to a total of $7,500 from them but i just got in to so i can’t buy for 9ish months. So i have to worry about a rebound and higher rates.

carnut, you are a very smart man.Man not be yet but in the very soon future

so in like 2-3 years we will see something

In two to three years who knows where this country will be. The introduction of changes and the Amero now along with a guided recession by the federal reserve and powers that be will make it so we are forced to concede and just accept the changes as our only way out of this problem. The power to change this has always been there but the will to do so is not. The problem lies within a small group of neo conservatives that are shaping a world for their views and a population of dumbed down masses who are stuck in their own little worlds not smart enough to pop their head up and look around at just what is going on. Inindated with mass media and ways to keep your mind occupied and amused why stop and question, most dont even realize the changes in civil liberties that are taking place and what it will mean for them and future generations.


i wish i could have done that, but from what ive read up, all they are doing forcing you to save, and then matching using the SONYMA closing funds for the loan.

It is a seperate program from SONYMA. You can end up using both of them.

The amero is one of the more half-assed rumors flying around these days. Not going to happen.

Don FTW, errr FTL.

Not so much with the conspiracy theory, but with the dissection of the american mindset.

Its not a conspiracy theory. These are things that have and are being talked about. Google is your friend. Simple information and facts that can be found by anyone able to look for it.

Sorry, I signed on under Don’s screen name.
Not really but, one might think so.:biglaugh:

The New World Order is coming.
Socialized banking is the next step.
That is all.