You Tube video used in arrest of motorcycle stunt rider

Im not saying I agree with what he did or that it was cool or right… Im just going by facts and the court system…

There’s the problem. What do you know about this case other that just saying something like “It could of been and air strip” or “It could of been a stunt show”. You don’t hear stories of cops arresting guys for wreckless driving/speeding after a legal track day. Seems like all the loop holes belong to you.

the could of’s are what make this case not as solid as it needs to be to stick in court… I was simply offering my opinion… I didnt say i was right or wrong… I wasnt looking for a pissing match either…:wtf

Yeah but on the defense side of it. the Could Of’s might need to be proved to strengthen the defenses case? right? Just sitting there on the box saying, ohh yeah prove it… wont get you very far.

GTFO of the moto section then. Can you do what they are doing on a bike in the videos? I will even give you a prepped bike and a closed course to try it. I bet you can’t. Do not assume people who do what they do are morons for having the skill to do it. Granted stunting in traffic is stupid, and people in the sport frown upon it to a point also, but when you do what you do on a bike a thousand times, the crash/success rate goes up allot and you can “chance it” from time to time if you choose to. All I am saying is I hate it when people who don’t participate in or at the level of the people doing the sports they bad mouth think they know all there is about it and can put their two cents in definitively. I get the same shit all the time, I have pictures of me jumping a bike or a quad over some 60-80’ jumps, pictures and video of me and my friends hitting 60+ foot ski jumps, sliding crazy hand rails around the citys… we have been at it for MANY years and can pull off shit without even thinking about it twice. If I had a nickel for every time someone said you’re an idiot for doing that, or you will kill yourself doing that stuff. Sorry I have skills, and you don’t.

AND the insurance rates are high because there are MORE Harley idiots crashing $25+K bikes, Noobie squids crashing $11K bikes right off the show room floor, scumbags stealing bikes, piss poor car/truck drivers that hit riders, Drunk idiots drinking and riding… than “stunters” crashing their shit on public roads. Also most of the stunt bikes don’t have collision and are junk beaters anyway.

Reread my very simple post for a quick second and realize I said nothing about this guys skills or lack thereof. I couldn’t care less how long he can stand on his seat while going down the road, it doesn’t interest me in the least bit. But I DO care that hes doing it on a public road with the possibility of their being other people around him.

I’ll say it again, I hope they give everything he deserves to him, and other stunters that use public and populated roadways as there playground.

Thats the problem, you used the “it was a simple post” cop out. Threw up your opinion without any justification. that’s why i went into depth the way I did.

Its the same as some little granny walking up to me as I put my helmet on with my bike at a walmart and all she says is “your gunna kill yourself on that thing”. Its such a bullshit statement, which proves they dont know the first thing about me, my skill, my bike, my intentions, the sport…

I understood your concern about “doing it on a public road”. Believe me I do. Cars out number bikes on public roads ten fold. Statistics say 1:10 drivers dont pay attention and are threats to other drivers. With that being said, put 10 bikes on the road, and 100 cars. One guy on a bike might pop a wheelie, while 10 car drivers are painting their nails. You stand a better chance of getting taken out by one of the 10 idiot car drivers than you do the guy who rips a wheelie for a little bit.

People need to get the sand out of their vaginas. Every time you go out in public your at the mercy of EVERYONE around you. Their are physco snipers killing people, child molesters with free candy, gang shooters, drunk drivers, brainless kids texting while driving. EVERYTHING around you puts you in danger. If you dont like it, stay home. While I am not against locking up people that fuck up and hurt society, its just that at times there are MUCH bigger fish to fry that could impact and better all of our lives than going on you tube typing in “wheelie” and spending tons of OUR money tracking these people down and arresting them.

Save your angry off topic rant to adress something I didn’t say, if the guy broke the law he deserves the punishment he gets. See how simple that is? See how I don’t adress his level of skill on a motorcycle at all? See how I don’t adress ANYTHING other than his breaking the law?

It wasn’t an angry rant at all, really. I tend to post A LOT of information every time I click REPLY here. And it was on topic. my argument started off at you a little because of the moron comment and how it was a little biased and un justified.

the rest was basically stating that it seems like a big waste of time, effort and money for police to surf the web for criminals when if their get off their asses, or step out of dunkin doughnuts they might find the crime on their own while it happens. Crime that could better society with a much faster return on investment. :thumbup

Also the better fact of the matter is Shift 518 posts up ALOT of self incriminating posts every day; wheelie pics, me drinking a beer while doing a wheelie, on a toy motorcycle on public roads, 4 wheeler and dirt bike posts about riding on I am sure restricted land at times, burn outs here and there, the entire SR section, drug use, guns, fire works, PUMPKIN THROWING… everything. But with the exception of 2 people on here we are all mostly good people and arnt worth a shit in regards to the statistics for all the major problems that plague the society every day.

Just throw in my 2c for what it’s worth.
I personally don’t condone stunting on public roads for numerous reasons, but main being is that public road is not a closed circuit, and shit can happen. I don’t want to be driving or riding next to a guy who decided to stand up on his seat when he catches a bumblebee in the face or a pothole under a wheel. There are also other people on the road, who drive like idiots enough without further being distracted. Find a way to have your fun without breaking laws and everything will be peachy.

I hear you man. I think it is stuipd to do alot of things on public roads with traffic. I try not to wheelie and mess around with other cars around me as much as I can. Sure as hell dont do it with alot of traffic around me thats for sure. like you said pic your spots. I dont want to put the feeling out there like I think this guy is the best rider on earth and should be allowed to do what he did, I am just stating that if he was smart and skilled enough to not cause any issues, and he didnt do it past an officer while he was sitting on the side of the road, its bull shit to go after him well after the act was done.

Well you made a handful of posts that were only in defense for the rider and claimed it was unconstitutional, so you atleast wanted a little bit of pee flowing. I’m guessing you didn’t actually read the article. The cops studied the video, the cops identified the group…the cops identified the public roads. I’m not sure which part of that isn’t so “solid” to you. If you’re going to say “They didn’t show his face in the video…they can’t prove it was him.” Well police bust criminals every minute of everyday without video evidence. The fact that they HAVE the video as evidence with his bike/helmet/clothes/body that fits his discription…makes it clearly solid.