You Tube video used in arrest of motorcycle stunt rider

Saw this from another forum.


Posted: May 6, 2010

By Jim Wallace - bio | email

ALBANY, GA (WALB) –A Lee County man shown doing wild motorcycle stunts in videos posted on You Tube is now in jail for pulling the reckless stunts.

Investigators saw the videos and tracked him down.

Now they’re looking for the other people shown in the Internet videos to try to put a stop to it.

20 year old Logan Duke was arrested at his home in Lee County this morning, and charged with six counts of reckless driving and driving on a suspended license. Dougherty County Sheriff’s Investigators say they can’t believe what he was doing on the Liberty Bypass, and how much danger he posed to other drivers.

Dougherty County Sheriff’s Investigators have been looking at these videos on You Tube for quite a while, trying to identify that rider and the people making the videos.

Captain Craig Dodd said “9 months ago into some reports of a group called the Georgia Street Runnerz, that was placing videos on You Tube of people committing very dangerous acts on public roadways. In Dougherty County and surrounding counties.”

Thursday Investigators arrested 20 year Logan Duke, and said that is him doing wheelies, even standing on his bike about 70 miles an hour on the bypass in traffic.

Sheriff Kevin Sproul said “We’re going to put a stop to this. This is very dangerous. Not only to them, riding the bikes, but to other people around. If they lost control of that bike and run it up under someone else’s car, it could cause a wreck and kill the occupants in that vehicle too.”

The Sheriff says he is also mad that they put these videos on You Tube for kids to see.

Sproul said “I’m afraid younger kids will see this and want their parents to go buy them a bike, so they can get out and try the trick a little bit better.”

Sheriff Sproul urges parents to check out their teens with bikes like these, and know what they are doing on them. He says he takes this very seriously, and he plans to arrest as many of these young people with Duke as possible.

The Sheriff’s Office is asking you to help them stop these motorcycle stunt drivers for You Tube, and get them off the road. They have identified them on roads in Lee, Dougherty, Terrell and Baker Counties. If you have any information about the Georgia Street Runnerz, or people in these videos, call the Dougherty County Sheriff’s Office at 431-3222.

Shortly after the Sheriff’s Investigators arrested Duke, those videos were taken off You Tube. But investigators have copies and plan to use them to prosecute the other riders and spectators.

Duke remains in the Dougherty County Jail.

©2010 WALB News. All rights reserved.

There is no way that will hold in court. There is nothing to prove who is actually driving the bike. If it does hold, then this shit gov’t is completely and officially fucked.

Get out of the country before it’s too late!


I would if I could. Obama is completely destroying this country with everything he does. And no, its not all his fault, but he isn’t exactly helping.

damn youtube

Its actually pretty easy to use the video for identification and prosecution of the rider. I think the moral of the story is: Don’t put videos of yourself doing obviously illegal shit online.

This is simply a case of them using this an example to other people. There is no way they could enforce this. They will pick one video out of a group of millions and make an example out of them. If you’re going to do dumb shit, pixelate your face, plate, etc.

but with his helmet on, there is absolutely no way of proving it is him actually riding the bike. All he has to say is that he let someone borrow the bike and that it is not him on it. They have no way of proving that it is.

For all we know he shows his face in the video before or after.
Point is they had reason to believe it’s him.

that is true, but if he did not (which most videos I’ve seen, the rider never does) then it would be royally fubar’d if they are actually able to convict him.

What a shame, that was a nice kawasaki

no way that sticks in court…

i think this is unconstitutional and wont hold iin court. Im definitley tinting my windows… If someone video tapes a race or something on the street, they have to prove it was you right?

The dude from netvideogals or whatever got out of his video of doing like 200mph in his Lambo because they couldn’t prove it was him driving.


Because he wasnt actually cought by the police in the act… I have a Criminal Justice Degree and I have done a lot of case study’s in order to obtain my degree… The power of technology is also crazy… he could have done that in a controlled area a stunt show for instance and it could have been edited. I have been to air strips and rented areas where doing this type of thing is perfectly legal…

There is too many possibilities and i dont think this will hold in court. It has to be proof beyond a resonable doubt…

Is your argument that the US constitution states that criminals must be caught in the act by a police officer?

I don’t see the constitutional link anywhere in your statement.

edit, there is not legal standard for “reasonable doubt” but rather a “burden of proof” which requires the prosecution to prove that the particular person committed the crime.

no, i know it dosent say that in the actual constitution however there has to be proof beyond a resonable doubt… in my opinion there is not proof beyond a resonable doubt in this specific case. I was just offering my opinion…

There is loop holes in everything…please excuse my poor choice of wording…

All you have to go off of is a picture and an article, obviously the cops had something to connect it to this guy or how would they have known to arrest him in the first place?

I hope he gets everything he deserves, morons like this give the rest of us bad names and high ins. rates.