you wont believe what I saw today..

going back to my old thread where me and my dad chased the two kids who broke into my neighbors car…

now, keep that in mind…

me and my dad were In round lake at the church talking to one of my dads real good friends. Well, right infront of this church is a Nasty 90*+ turn…all of a sudden we hear a thumping and this kid comes flying around the turn, goes off the road, steps on it, heads towards us standing on the grass, turns and runs over a sign and plows through a concrete ditch. During this, he blew out his passanger side tire, and his front driver side tire. His rear rim was dragging on the road. My dad runs and calls the cops because this kid was just really fucked up on something…

well 3 minutes later we hear a shit load of sirens and a sheriff comes flying by. We decide to follow and see if they caught this kid so we head up round lake road, and go through the new rotary and go down the new “round lake bypass” its called thats a back way from round lake to Malta…well, you can see tire chunks, grass clumps, leaking fluid and markings from this kids bare rim all the way down this road…

we come out to the rotary on route 9, and there was a old lady on the side of the road with cops and fire trucks and shit that was all smashed up. We pull over and see what happened to tell the cop what we just saw…well, this kid came plowing through this rotary, slammed into the lady (who was atleast 80) and blew out a 3rd tire someone said then fled the scene…as we were telling the cop our story, he got radio’d in by the police station that they just caught the kid at his house in Ballston spa…how the hell he made it that far on 3 flat tire’s and leaking oil/coolant is beyond me…now, heres the kicker.

This was the kid me and my dad chased that night in the thread I posted that broke into my neighbors car. This was a late 80’s/early 90’s 2 door brown accord that had a muffler leak…and I saw the kids face today, and saw it that night…same exact kid. The cop said he will be going to jail sence he already had a warrant out for his arrest.

payback is a bitch.

woah, karma kicked that kid square in the taintsicle.

any pics/vids?


while I was working I whipped out my invisible HD camera and video taped it all

because I had one and all and Had time to even think, O shit, I need to video tape this for Pete and his funny shoes!


mmm i’m sad panda now.

yeah fuck that drew, be nice to pete. he’s a little slow

yea wtf i just asked for pics/vids thats all.

:rofl:rofl:rofl dude this is hands down one of your best posts ever. i’m dying over here.

oh and p.s. - that kid got what he deserved.


This is the only post Sssssssssssssmokin has ever made that actually interested me, congrats!


Got what he deserved.

Would have been nice to punch him though.

very funny, buddy.

i’m glad that kid’s getting what he deserves. justice for once.

any car “bits” left possibly for some pics/vids

this story isnt real until we see pictures for evidence

gotta be in the paper or something?

I’m dying. Hahaha. Great post.

Sucks to be that kid.