Your Fav. American Supercar?

both cars can run quicker in the 1/4… see sig

a supercar is not a timeslip.

supercar = prestige.

you can’t buy a supercar at sullivan chevrolet in etna.

I think im the first one to say the Z06 isnt a true supercar… but it sure outperforms most of them

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: NICE!

good plan, i’ll go and pickup my S7 from McCrackin, oo wait, its a supercar too.

your right, even though i can buy a S7 from McCrackin. i gues its not a supercar either.

BTW BlueZ06, nice time, good to see someone is using their Z06, my buddy Steve never ran his at the track.


im with Aero on this topic

if you check Saleen’s site, that’s the only Ford dealer within hundreds of miles that sells them. you can order up a Z06 anywhere, can’t you?

who cares what the interior is like in a supercar…to me supercar means performance


Well put.

The Z06 is a supercar. It wil outperform most exotics. It is very different from a run of the mill Corvette. It is somewhat exclusive (I’ve only seen 2 or 3 on the road), aluminum frame, dry sump oiling, huge brakes, titanium connecting rods, wider rear end, more aggressive styling, etc.

I actually despise new GM cars, but the Z06 is a bad ride.

Haha that’s funny, I don’t care who you are…(larry the cable guy voice)

wrong, at least in 2006, the dealer had to of sold X amount of Corvettes to qualify to get a Z06 allotment

the Z06 is a bargain supercar. But its performance out performs those 5-6x the price of it

we had 2 at wright

isnt wright a volume dealer? that would probably explain why

yeah. im just saying

you guys probably sold enough vettes in 05 to get a few z06’s in 06

The z06 is on the list of disputed supercars.

I saw that…thats why I said just my $.02…not some bookworm’s that writes for wikipedia