Your hard earned tax dollars will be spent at a rate of 1.4 mil per hour.


Its a very valid point. An observation pertaining to the discussion if you will. Its not about my peers. Its about you my friend. Its about you and he way you conduct your discussions with OUR peers. The way you converse with others is actually quite comical. You try to fill the voids and akwardness in your banter with large words and sentences that make you look like a complete douche bag. You of all people should realize that you can’t have a conversation like that. Would you want to talk about our countries short commings with a person that was smug and talked like he was better than you? No, you probably wouldn’t

Now, I realize that your high powered intellect won’t let you make any sense of what I just said. And that is OK with me. I was just letting you know that it has bearing on the conversation. Not the subject of conversation, but the CONDUCT of conversation.

If you expect intelligent comments and opinions, don’t come off like you are better than the people you are conversing with.

You’re welcome however.