Your hard earned tax dollars will be spent at a rate of 1.4 mil per hour.

Oh, did I piss on your parade?

Too much money and im sure tons of corruption to make a lot of people a lot of money, but if we stop upgrading, other countries won’t and we will fall behind.

…and yes I’d rather have f-22’s than give crack heads another penny

Vlad reminds me of a drunk dude losing an argument, saying meaningless things in a way that makes it sound like there’s a hidden, deeper meaning. :rofl

And am I missing something here? Is Jammer leading a cult now or something?


We can cut our budget in HALF and still spend more than the rest of the world COMBINED


Since when does a pure dollar figure mean anything? We need to spend more efficiently but that doesn’t change the fact that until that time we still need to upgrade.

The fact that we spend X times more than other countries doesn’t mean our technology is X times more advanced or superior to other countries. We are not twenty years ahead of Russia in military technology. We over spend on everything significantly and spend recklessly which is part of(probably most of) the reason our budget is much higher. I’m sure there is a Russian plane to compete with ours, or there will be and they didn’t or will not spend nearly as much to do the same thing.

I guess I don’t understand the suggestion. We keep our current planes forever and never upgrade?

So your argument is that dollar figures of spending mean… nothing? Incredible.

Why do we need to upgrade? Who else has such advance Air Force? When was the last dog fight? Forgetting that drones are doing an incredible job of bombing?

We don’t need to have the most advance fighter on the planet because nobody will ever get into an Air to Air battle with us. And IF even IF the other side and is somehow superior, and wins an air battle somewhere, somehow… it’s not like we aren’t leading in every other part of military technology and have the forces to back it up on the ground and sea.

I guess I don’t understand your proposal. We got rid of cavalry didn’t we? Or would have rather sank billions of dollars into making super horses to make sure we are the leader of the cavalry division and no other country surpasses us in the horse technology?

When there is nobody in the world that would dare to take us on outright in direct combat a new disastrous issue plagued plane isn’t going to scare them anymore.

Where did I say it meant nothing? Let me re-explain because you have problems reading and absorbing information.

I said yes we overspend on the military because of corruption and waste spending. But we need to upgrade until a time comes that waste is dealt with.

You said that’s wrong because we spend more? Which doesn’t add to any argument against what I said but I’ll address it because its funny when you say silly shit.

I’ve already explained that I think the majority of our spending is waste and corruption that is drastically increasing required budgets to continue upgrading at the rate we are. I also stated that I don’t believe were light years ahead of say Russia in Technology but we do drastically outspend them. So, if the corruption and waste remains the same, and we lower the budget we lose all the money to upgrade our military causing us to fall behind other countries. However, if we deal with corruption and waste THEN we can lower the budget and still have the same or better product.

Why do we need to upgrade? Because if we don’t others will. Your comment that you don’t care if other countries have better air weapons is absurd. Air superiority is pretty important, especially in a battle against a well equipped modern power. Can you imagine if we didn’t have an air force to stop Russia if it wanted to bomb the USA? Or China?


You’re seriously telling me Russia and China and other countries don’t have waste and corruption happening in their military budget? :rofl :rofl :rofl

Absurd? What’s absurd is you thinking that jet fighters are the defining factor in air superiority. You ever hair of anti air systems that are earth based? Tell me again last time we had a dog fight between planes? I’ll wait.

In the meantime you’re forgetting that if people want to bomb us… they don’t need Jets. If you recall we were recently worried about North Korea having an intercontinental ballistic missile… having 35 billion dollar jets isn’t going to help you stop it. You remember the Cuban Missile crisis? Jets don’t help with that. Nuclear submarines off your coast? Jets aren’t useful.

If you seriously think that having jet fighters is crucial to stop other countries from trying to invade us you need to get a better model tin foil hat. No country EVER will try to establish air superiority over USA, not until they have taken out most of our preliminary forces in other conflicts in the world and are just moving in for the kill. At which point, your jets will once again be a non factor.

Vlad, I love how you talk down to everybody…Its very, very funny.

+rep to the fucking moon… and maybe back… halfway

I could get involved in this convo, because im positive I know alot more about how our military naval operations work to keep us safe at home, but i wont. I only care about trolling and the occasional car talk

I’m sorry but is this supposed to be a point somehow relevant to a discussion? I fail to see how talking about your local peers has anything to do with national budget.

You’re welcome however.

I’m sorry but is this supposed to be a point somehow relevant to a discussion? I fail to see how talking about your local peers has anything to do with national budget.

You’re welcome however.


Its a very valid point. An observation pertaining to the discussion if you will. Its not about my peers. Its about you my friend. Its about you and he way you conduct your discussions with OUR peers. The way you converse with others is actually quite comical. You try to fill the voids and akwardness in your banter with large words and sentences that make you look like a complete douche bag. You of all people should realize that you can’t have a conversation like that. Would you want to talk about our countries short commings with a person that was smug and talked like he was better than you? No, you probably wouldn’t

Now, I realize that your high powered intellect won’t let you make any sense of what I just said. And that is OK with me. I was just letting you know that it has bearing on the conversation. Not the subject of conversation, but the CONDUCT of conversation.

If you expect intelligent comments and opinions, don’t come off like you are better than the people you are conversing with.

You’re welcome however.

Wtf happened to Jeff’s post?

Just saw this listed on Jalopnik.

Top 10 most expensive military projects of all time

10.) General Dynamics Ohio-Class Submarines

The US Navy has 18 of them, and while Russian Typhoon and Borei-class submarines are bigger, the Ohio-class can carry the most (nuclear) missiles. That comes at a price. Stig-a-saw-us wrecks has a costs list: $2 billion per sub x 18 = $36 billion. That’s purchase price . It’s about $50 million per year to run and these have been around for decades. Pretty dam expensive. Replacement cost is said to be $4 billion per.
Suggested By: [I]Stig-a-saw-us wrecks[/I], Photo Credit: Submarine Group Ten
9.) Austal USA Independence-class

Ships that should be able to kick ass in the littoral zone. The costs? 13 billion dollars according to In a Mini; let them mock me as My Mini Countryman is higher than you.
Suggested By: In a Mini; let them mock me as My Mini Countryman is higher than you, Photo Credit: SurfaceWarriors
8.) Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey

The Marines needed a cool toy too, and it doesn’t get much cooler than an Osprey. The project cost north of $50 billion so far, thanks to some teething issues, but the more they build, the lower the unit costs will go, so keep your fingers crossed for Ospreys all over the sky. So far, 160 were made.
Suggested By: Gamecat235, Photo Credit: mashleymorgan
7.) Newport News Nimitz-class aircraft carrier

If you need fast-moving aircraft bases, you have to have deep pockets according to DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: There are 10. Each one cost between $4.5 Billion and $6.2 Billion. Let’s assume an average of $5.5 Billion, and say the whole fleet ran $55 Billion.
Each one will be refueled at least once, at a cost of $2.5 Billion, so another $25 Billion for $80 Billion total.
And that’s just building and refueling the ten ships.
When they’re decommissioned, it will cost an estimated $700 Million - $900 Million. Each. I’ll be generous and say it’s on the low end for a running $87 Billion total.
Oh, you need to pay and feed ~5,680 sailors, each, just to keep them operating?
For 60 years?
And that doesn’t include armament, jet fuel, airplanes, logistical operations, support ships, supply ships, and the many other things which exist solely to keep this one boat operating and safe?
Uh. Well then…
Suggested By: DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane, Photo Credit: Official U.S. Navy Imagery

6.) Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit

21 were built, each at a cost of around $2 billion. But look at it this way: huskdoc’s childhood was much more adventurous thanks to this project: My mom was on that project when we lived in California. It was so cool to be able to see those things fly over Lancaster/Palmdale and know what it was while everyone else was dumb founded. I guess that is why when I see new planes I don’t get a chub because that was my childhood seeing top secret planes fly everyday.
Suggested By: Gamecat235, Photo Credit: Clemens Vasters
5.) The Great Wall Of China

4.) The Atlantic Wall

Much smaller but way more powerful than the Chinese original, the Atlantic Wall of defense wasn’t enough the save the Nazis and cost something like 3.7 billion DM in 1940s currency. Deutschmarks not well spent.
Suggested By: POD, Photo Credit: Getty Images

3.) The Manhattan Project

26 billion

2.) Ballistic Missile Defense System

Saracen, Manual Douche Elitist is not a fan of rockets: The Ballistic Missle Defense System so far has cost over $120 billion, and it’s still only in the development stage.
Suggested By: Saracen, Manual Douche Elitist, Photo Credit: United States Department of Defense

1.) Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II

It’s awesome, but Rosetto Viacava prefers the F-22 to the $400 billion project as it only cost $72 billion:
Lockheed Martin F-35. Add the costs of incompetent recalls and repairs to the huge and long bill. They was grounded many times. They should’ve scrapped the whole project and stick to F-22.
Suggested By: Rosetto Viacava, Photo Credit: Official U.S. Navy Imagery

I recall watching a documentary once about the Osprey, it being one of the more dangerous aircraft at the time for quite awhile to fly and costing a fuck ton of money… To be honest the number seems much smaller than I recall…

Regardless it’s a sketchy aircraft but cool.

The U.S.'s Stealth Fighter Is Too Heavy and Slow, So the Pentagon Made Its Performance Tests Easier
