Your hard earned tax dollars will be spent at a rate of 1.4 mil per hour.

you know they all have gps in the car right? sometimes people arent doing something wrong for 30 mins at a time, or maybe theyre taking a break from the 12 hour shift or 16 hour OT shift. Who the fuck are you to tell a trooper how to do their job? End your fucking rant about something completely off topic and go bash the gun laws instead of people doing their job and keeping the roads you drive to work safe. Fucking christ.

a police officer is a public servant. look it up.

kk is public serve him

and whats your point?

“hes a public servant, im going to tell him what to do?” yeah good luck with that pal, lemme know how that works for you


back on topic of tax money spending on the f35

ummmmmm whats your point?

i pointed out the obvious… a cop is a public SERVANT.

you bashed a member by saying “who the fuck are you”…

kk is simply the public and he expects service just like the rest.

I got your pm. its all good man.

I didnt know they had GPS thats cool.

All I was sayin is the spots they were sitting in seemed a little silly. the two in albany there by the plaza would see 99% everyday state worker traffic people in a rutine doing the same shit every day… and the U turn spot at rushhour would probably give you a headach and neckach from trying to look for little inspection stickers and tint… not to mention was a worthless reward (unless its a goldmine car) if you even find one, and dangerous pulling someone over in rushhour there is asking to get hit or cause an accident.

thats it thats allll. nbd :hug


This airplane is a 100% waste of money along with a lot of other shit the military and government have and do.

But who gives a fuck!!! Bennyfizzle doesn’t and neither does PJB

PJB cares.

PJB can’t stand it when his hard earned/paid tax dollars are “misused” in his expert opinion.

Thread was really dedicated to him.

Lol yeah I care too where my tax money goes, especially when it’s going to this horseshit


To contribute would add legitimacy to your hypocrisies

I don’t think you understand how discussions/conversations work.

Vlad. Kind Sir. You, my friend, are greatly mistaken.
I’m just beyond teaching puppies. I’ve moved to K-9s. All I have left for the misguided is pokes and jabs and even sadness. Just no more compassion.

airplanes > giving healthcare, housing, food expenses, cell phones to bottom feeders

It’s all the same, just money being pissed away for no good reason

Foolish mentality. Puppies are easily taught but you can’t teach and old dog new tricks.

Regardless enjoy your K9 army, all bark and no bite.

i agree with this… atleast we can see the money spent on something cool instead of paying a privatly owned prison to house a rapist.

this is false. my dog learns new tricks.

Dude, wtf are you even saying. lolol.
Just curious, what “bite” do you have???

Learn to pee outside. Your stinking the place up.