Your lady's facebook/myspace "friends"

Something really annoying has been cropping up in our house, and I’m finding it to be really common among women with facebook/myspace/whatever accounts.

They go around collecting all these “friends”. Most of these people are ones that you knew from highschool, or earlier. They have not seen these people since highschool.

Then when something goes wrong with these people… They get cancer, they get in a car wreck, they die or whatever. My girlfriend feels it necessary to go see them, attend the funeral, shit like that.

I wake up this morning to “oh so and so had a brain surgery”… I’m going with my mother to see him in the hospital. This is a person that she went to school with probably 10 years ago, they have had no contact since.

She would have had no idea about this person if not for facebook or whatever. Its enabling out of touch people to tap into each others lives, even if they haven’t seen the person in years.

Now me, its the exact opposite. If I haven’t seen you in 5-10 years, then I really don’t give too much of a shit about you. I’m not going to go out of my way for you. Of course the misses thinks I’m totally heartless for saying this.

These people were in her life before you, give her a break for wanting to pay respect to the people in her past. I totally side with her, I wouldn’t have found out one of my close friends mom died if I didnt see the group support on FB. He was a good friend but he isn’t gonna call me up and say “hey man my mom died”.

Just be happy to have such a caring gf.

Depends on what kind of relationship they had in the past. There are people I was very good friends with that I barely have contact with now a days, it just happens when life moves on…

I’d be a little sketched out about that too don’t feel bad. I’m not saying it’s anythng to get all worked up about, but I definitely know what you mean. I do agree that it’s cool to have such a caring gf. These people may have been close to her back in the day. Nothing wrong with a little kindness in my opinion. I wouldn’t worry about it unless she gives you a real reason to.

hm. people have different styles.

different strokes for different folks… I’m kinda with justin on this one… but thered definitely be exceptions for a couple people that were close friends before i went off to school.

i dont have a problem if they’re going to go see people that they actually know/knew/were friends with

i wouldnt have a problem, but it would still be wierd if they were actually never friends

i would have a problem if they never met the person

Personally, I wouldn’t feel the need to holla at some cat who had brain surgery just because I was a passing acquaintance some 10 years ago. At the same time I wouldn’t have a problem with my girl keeping in touch or showing her support as long as it didn’t become unhealthy in some way either to herself or our relationship.

Im the same way.If they werent real good friends then who cares.My friend told me so and so died in car accident from High school one day.I just said “Huh how about that” and carried on the convo.

I wish I had enough time in my schedule to dig up old friends and attend their funerals and visit them in the hospital.

I just hate the social networking sites anyway.

Same here i dont know how some ppl find time to do so much random shit.

Your GF sounds like a nice person. If you are in a bad situation, it’s people like her that make them a little bit better.

i personally like facebook just for that fact, i think you need to chill out and let her get in contact with old friends, i am glad to finally talk to some people 10 years after highschool and see how their lives are and whats new etc



X222222222222222222222222222222 except for visiting old friends

fuck yes jesus christ dont ppl have better things to do then check their wall, try being a fucking grown up

It’s funny that you say “collecting” friends. Obviously they were friends before, so why shouldn’t they keep in contact? Things happen, people move, cellphone numbers change, etc. etc. I have found so many friends of mine who moved away during my childhood/school career. We always keep in touch now, see how each other is doing, and I plan on visiting one girl this summer.

Edit: After reading your post again, you come off as being… jealous perhaps? Correct me if I’m wrong, but if it was a girl that she was going to visit, I bet this thread wouldn’t have been started.

if i was guaranteed to hear about who got aids / became a cripple / died from my high school i would definatly go out and getmyself a massive facebook / myspace network

unfortunately its to much work to stay on top of these things for such little enjoyment in return

it’s called social networking for a reason :gotme:

Who cares?

Like dawn said obviously they were friends at some point…facebook enabled her to stay in contact with these people…

Its not effecting your relationship and its something she wants to do…

yeah but he was saying they were not friends in high school. people who are fiends for that site tend to befriend everyone that they may have seen at one time and have never talked to a day in their life. im with the op on this one, facebook sucks