your opinions on how to make the best car show of 2010

My car club and I are trying to put together a show for next years show season. I am looking for input from you hard core show-goers. I want to know what makes the best shows.We want to get a show started so when you go to it you cant wait to go back again. I want to know what events (Bikini contest, legal drag, Hi/Lo, Sound off,Burn out contest, tire toss, milk chug, tug o war, ETC) everyone likes and the best dates to work around other shows like ( Envy frenzy, G4l, Lowrollers, Self Infliketed, Backwoods ETC) Also want to know classes and opinions on how to break it up. Also entertainment. So please feel free to give input on what makes a kick ass car show. Were working on setting one up for this coming show season in 2010. Thanks guys!

please see H2O International, or other large scale European car show.


whats good for one, isnt always best for the others…ie; Envy Frenzy, I personally love it, others opinions vary and it seems someone always has a problem with classes (which is what I’m looking to solve)

LoL Bro, You will NEVER do the classes without someone having a problem with it unless you are going to spend like 3 to 4 grand on trophies. Unless you get every make every model and every decade seperated Good Luck Thats what we were working on BUT realized We are doing this also to raise money check out the Cars4Cancer Input Thread for more ideas.

:thumbup totally agreed

There are still “car clubs” around?

Wheel tossing contest :excited

Just remember you can’t and you won’t please everybody. Once you accept that, it will make things a LOT easier.

I can supply a 19 inch wheel with mounted tire for said competition :slight_smile:
Vlad, you in?

AMEN !!!

your first car show will never be the best car show of next year, sorry but thats the truth. you just need to have a good enough one so people will come back and you can learn from it. as far as what makes a good car show to me:

-people that are there.
-drift expos
-moto-x expos
-tug o war, milk chug, anything that gives the people that are sitting next to their cars for 10-12 hours something to do.
-a good amount of classes for the amount of cars, you can’t expect to have 300+ cars at a first time show, so don’t have classes for that turn out, there is such thing as too many classes, i can’t standing winning because i showed up. its gay.
-make sure its organized, if judging starts at 1, then start it at 1. if something is running behing, anounce so so people know.
-have enough staff so everything is under control.
-be able to police your grounds so you will be able to host the event at the same spot the next year.

fake ones are.

and the real good car clubs still are around, but you wont see them at local shows, esp since they don’t have members in this area.

sorry but not true at all, I would like to think of ourselves as a real club, who travel upwards of 10 hrs away for car shows as a family with over 10 members in this chapter and a utica chapter that just started…we are hardly a ‘fake’ club…although I do appreciate your suggestions for the show

usually the problem I see is when theres several Honda classes, and only 1 gm class…a Honda is a Honda just like a Chevy is a Chevy, Pontiac is a Pontiac, Toyota is a Toyota

live bands, boobs, video game tournament, and contests…well thats what would get me there anyways lol

don’t waiste your time.

you obviously have no clue what i was referencing when i said fake car clubs. and what is your car club name anyways?

possibly the best advice yet :lol

Bullshit, same people that complain that the scene is dead arethe ones that say don’t bother when somebody wants to do something.

If this was true we would have no drift events this year, local shops or any events or even this forum.

Do it, pm me if you want to know some names and people to contact.

Get as many people in on this as you can. Marketing is very important.
Video game contest is a great idea.

i never complain that the scene is dead, i just know where to go to find it. and i was being a tad sarcastic, but trying to make your first car show the best show of next year is shooting a little high and never gonna happen, and will prob end up unorganized like most.

This is true because I am guilty of the GM class.