your worst work related injury.

I won’t bother with the whole story but I will give you two words; Mercy Flight.
Beat that!

Haven’t had any injuries work related besides back pain, but my father had a steel garage door malfunction that came down and hit him square in the forehead. The cut was so deep you could see his skull. Nasty shit.


paper cut…

oh an on a couple occasions, a push pin/thumb tack got the best of me…i think once there was even a little blood…

and working back in the day at delta during winter ones, my ears/fingers were cold…


I was playing with a push pin once kind of pushing it on my finger nail and it went through, i sat there for a few seconds thing wtf, that was dumb… Then i noticed the pin was moving. Took it out and a little blood came out… that sucked…

Worst one was a burn, i leaned on a fryer basked when i worked at burger king and it was in the rack but it must have just come out of the frier the shit blosterd up instantly… Later that night i waked past a wall that had a hammer hanging on it, the hammer fell and the claw end ripped off the blister… BAD FUCKING NIGHT!!

Few months ago had to dive off of a truck for saftey reasons hahaha. Landed face first in some rocks and got a nice rock stuck in my right cheek. Left a nice scar/indent im sure some of you flamers noticed it while i was home bu i didnt bring it up lol. Man some of you guys have it worse then i do in combat hahah. My step-mom is a workers comp lawyer now i understand why she has alot of cash.