Zach Galifianakis Smokes Weed On National Television

I’ve always enjoyed this song for the way in which it pits weed against alcohol…if you have time to read post by Olds Rocket dood, you have time for this.


  • for decrim
    :tif: on full legalization

mostly though, i’d just like to see some region, city, state, province, actually legalize it and see WTF happens rather than all the speculation about it.

decisions based on hype, bullshit, conjecture suck. people who are all hyper-anti-weed also suck… this is coming from a guy who doesnt do drugs or drink… fyi OLDS.

full legalization would just be massively interesting to watch as it unfolds.

the people getting shot over drugs are mostly mexicans anyways, so it’s just fewer illegals in the US for the most part…

+1 on Somalians being the suck too… who kicks someone to death of a cigarette?.. Somalians.

ahaha, that was good.

Weeds only illegal because it’s grows naturally, and nothing has to be done to it chemically (other than burn it) to see/feel its effects. Things that grow naturally, can not be copyrighted, therefore can not make money for large corporations. Pharmaceutical companies can’t make money off it, so they make shit tons of other things and charge out the ass for them, even though they have the same results that smoking weed would. They (pharmaceutical companies) have lots of interest groups in government, so we end up with it being illegal. It wasn’t too too long ago that the USA had the largest industry for cultivating hemp, in fact, the original constitution was written on hemp paper.

I wouldn’t be so quick to jump on the legalization bandwagon, but I do agree with decriminalizing up to a certain amount. It helps people. And lets be honest, no one smokes a joint, hops in a car and kills innocent people or goes home and beats the shit out of there wife.

I don’t know how to embed, if someone wants to do it that’d be good.

hahaha potheads think everything is a big conspiracy.

That is all.

I’m not a pot head bud. I just look at all the facts before forming an opinion. Its a crazy idea, I know.

here’s my conclusion: pretty much anyone under the influence of anything whether it be alcohol, prescribed pain meds, or illegal drugs are typically annoying as fuck and/or make stupid decisions. let’s make everything illegal. or not, because people are still going to do them! so rather than arguing about it on the internet, just continue to do what you please, and not give a fuck what everyone else is doing. yayyyy! butterflies and unicorns!

If we make alcohol illegal you will be out of a job…

jzavalinsk … [video] url [/url-] no dash of course.

Don’t worry bud, no need to be paranoid. It was just a general statement regarding all pot heads. And posting youtube videos of people getting high to help themselves doesn’t make you a revolutionist nor a visionary. Everyone knows the arguments from both sides. Discussing the reasons for either being against or for legalizing pot takes the phrase “beating a dead horse” to an extreme level.
Whether it’s going to be legal or not, you’re still going to go smoke a bowl, so why do you care really? It’s probably cheaper for people to get right now than it would be after the government taxed the life out of it.

meh, there are better drugs, chemically speaking, but thats bad ass, I want to be famous someday.

The point of companies not being able to copyright it because its grown from the earth is an invalid reason for it not being legal. Cocaine is from the coca plant, heroin is from poppy. Most of all the “illegal” drugs or prescription drugs have some kind of plant basis and their structure is chemically altered to obtain the said drug. I’ve heard this fact tossed around in the CJ department from actual police about marijuana…Marijuana is only illegal in most places based on this fact alone; Not all drug addicts are addicted to Marijuana, but most people who are addicted STARTED using Marijuana. So the age old “gateway drug” saying probably has some backing behind it. Prop 19 in California was voted down so obviously a majority of people still view it as a pester to society. Is it a huge criminal offense to have some weed on you? No not at all, and in New York if you have a blunt or small amounts of weed on you it’s a VIOLATION which means you don’t go to jail and is more or less no different than a traffic ticket, which if you have a good record you’ll more than likely get an ACD in court anyway. Should weed be illegal? In my own opinion I see no legitimate reason that it shouldn’t. Alcohol itself is responsible for more deaths every year than EVERY other form of drugs, illegal or not, combined all put together. The only reason it stays legal is because the last retail figures I could find was that in 2003 it was a $116 billion dollar industry and that money more than lines the pockets of many political people. BTW I have smoked weed once and I don’t understand all the hype about it, personally I think it’s disgusting, but hey if you wanna smoke yourself retarded then who am I to tell you that you can’t as long as you’re not out causing harm to the public.

I appreciate your comment on somewhat agreeing with me, but i’m sure you know assuming things will usually give you shitty results. I’m not the kind of person who is trying to make a sort of statement by placing marijuana references on everything i can. I guess i also assumed you would interpret my signature as a clear attempt to mock the people on forums who write dumb posts (like OLDS) with a funny picture. I’ve probably smoked less weed than most people of this forum and much of my time is spent on teaching, health, fitness and training. So you can remove me from the stereotype of people who publicly display symbols of marijuana. I was merely sharing my thought on the topic.

Took me a second to get passed that double negative, but I see your point. You can grab a cocoa leaf, chew it and feel the effects. Native’s in south America have done it for centuries. The shit that hits the street, has been chemically altered from what it is originally as a plant. Same with herion, methamphetamine etc… And your right, at one point in time all of these were legal and produced by pharmaceutical companies - because they could copyright it and make money off it.

Weed isn’t changed on a chemical level from producer to dealer, its just dried out. There is a pill called Marinol, that is basically extracted thc, altered into pill form. It has been copy righted and companies are making money off it. It has the same effects as the real stuff, but pharmaceutical companies can copyright it, market it, and sell it, completely legal.

they’re probably copyrrighting the process to produce it or the chemical comp. of it the modded pill. you’re right, you can’t have exclusivity on something that grows anyways… but you can set permits, quotas and commodity markets for it… not a lot of people grow their own grain or wheat… very few people grow their own vegetables.

Correct me if I’m wrong cause I don’t follow the marijuana scene but my basic understanding is that the plants can and do get sprayed with other chemicals to help them grow as well as to intensify the high. Wouldn’t this make marijuana you get on a street level chemically altered as well?

I think the only thing now adays NOT chemically altered is organic food.

I’m sure it happens, but you don’t have too is the difference.

Is there a way to determine if somene is high on pot? Alcohol is easy with todays technology. The reason I ask is becuase I can’t have stoned machinists so if there is no way to tell if they are currently under the influence I don’t want it legal. If there was a “breathalizer” for pot it would be much easier to protect against. Imagine millions of people working baked out of their mind.(I realize some are already high but…)
I had a guy argue for legalizing pot years ago… he no longer works for me.

still here…