ZR-1 official HP 638!!!!!Also 604 TQ

dude, imports don’t go from a dig.


lol, was having this discussion with someone a few weeks ago. It was def an interesting POV.

He said it is confirmed because the owner used to be a somebody there and he just bought the dealership for a hobby/toy.They made the call and The eastern US zone guy told them if you get a Decent deposit this week,we will get you one.I went down there the next day or so and put $5k down.they called the zone guy told them They had the deposit he asked for and he said ok.

and on slicks with groves cut in them to “simulate” street tires, not dissimilar to F1 tires.

Word is the v-spec is hitting 7:25…

I cant wait till there is a head to head with these 2 cars. Talk about a clash of the titans.


Link to where you got this info on the Soec V GTR please…link now…