
:rofl :rofl :rofl YEAH CHAD

I’m loving it


only thing that i’d like to add is that the OG members helped pretty much to create this site. by telling friends about it, getting them to join, etc, etc. i’ve been here since 07. cut me some slack. i’ve made plenty of friends through here and so have they. it really is a close knit community.

i’m done. if you don’t want me to be here, let me know. no need to ban me just tell me to leave and i’ll be gone like the wind.

note-being a former og from swat and apg i feel old… second note- i wanna change my forum name as i have not touched any graphics stuff for about 2 years…


Vlad the reason u get more shit then cain is u don’t make pizza.

I’m still ready to buy this site, Vlad. Cash in hand. You can moderate the new Russia Regional Forum.

that would be a glorious day. As for slack why should Vlad cut you some slack why don’t you just stop acting like a huge e-asshole

are you doing to pay in ritalin pills.

I would sooner press delete than let you touch any of my work.

On either the server or your user name

Goodbye. :excited

I thought you said vB doesn’t allow you to delete usernames. If so, then by all means go ahead.

Oh your “quality” posts will stay, but your name will be grey’d out and you will never be back under that name.

If you really don’t care for the site or your account, by all means, stop coming back.

I like the site.

i like alpine’s posts :frowning:

I like pancakes

Haha so you change the name or whatever under my username and then make it so I can’t change it? Dimwit is a hate word vlad, I think you need a ban.

That’s the beauty of text. If you don’t like something or become disinterested, you can skip around and move onto the next topic. Do you really need to read an entire newspaper from front to back? No. This forum should follow the same principle.

:facepalm vlad why would you do that this is like stepping in the opposite direction


haha oh wait… ive lost rep privelages and I can’t edit my posts.