1-18-08 Movie (wtf)


yeah, that was quite possibly the worst 2 hours of my life. HORRIBLE film. Shitty writing, shittier acting, shitty camera work (intentional or not, it was shit) and even the effects weren’t anything to write home about. Not to mention, shitty way to reveal THE END OF THE MOVIE at the fucking beginning. I’m all for dramatic irony where the audience knows and characters don’t, but it wasn’t worth wasting 2 hours to watch “how it plays out” when it was THAT BAD.

over the top on too many things, the shaky-camera was just miserable, I couldn’t believe or buy into it (zero suspension of disbelief) and was GLAD each time someone you were supposed to “care about” died.

I give it a -20 on a scale of 1-10.

One reviewer put it perfectly:

But for all its mystery, the monster is mostly an excuse for the film’s more ambitious experiment: creating characters out of moment-by-moment action, rather than compelling emotion. As they’re thrown almost immediately into chaos, none of them are particularly well-drawn or even sympathetic. Instead, they’re emotional sketches of fear and uncertainty rather than individuals with backgrounds and futures.