$14,000 CRX

Why would you say something like that if you have no idea what’s going to happen?

I said see what happens. Like actually try it and see the result.

Big car with big chrome bumpers vs small car with plastic bumpers.

those plastic “bumpers’” are technically just bumper covers, look what’s underneath :lol

and watch that video again to see how the chrome holds up :lol

The people in the CR-X would survive. Crumple zones, airbags and other safety features>50s vehicle with taped in glass, no crumple zones, solid steering column etc. Or they would at least have a MUCH greater chance of surviving than somebody in one of those old “deathtraps” as PJB would say

Super low mileage fox’s go for that as well, on the norm. 12-18K from what Ive seen. Then theres the 93 Cobra/R…

why even bother arguing about this? PJB doesn’t have a clue about anything, and it’s not worth the arguement anymore. i said mine years ago when people thought $3500 was too much for a rust free crx, and still to this day they argue and are really on the losing end because people out there will pay that much and more…

That is NOT the same thing. Depowered power steering is a PITA. Real manual steering box is only felt slightly heavy when you’re parked in a light car.

As far as the crash comment - ignorance is bliss.

If those cars were truly safer then you’re saying that after 30 years of crash tests there was no improvement. Modern at vs older, modern wins. Simple as that.


I’m FUCKING PROUD to say that I am with PJB on this one.

Paul, don’t worry, you can’t talk to these brainwashed kids on this subject.

You people do realize the price that this car sold for is getting into C5 Corvette territory, right? I’ve seen ZO6’s go for under 20…

Lets see, a 1990 Honda, or a 2001 ZO6 Corvette.

Some kids=:Idiots

1990 Honda Appreciation - $1K

2001 Z06 depreciation $30,000.

Maybe some people are just smart with their money?

Are you going to ridicule people for paying crazy money for original minis?

Minis sole purpose in life was to be as commuter friendly as possible, not a performance machine by any means. But people still go crazy for them.

Vette has been done over and over, and each new model is better than last.

There has been no worthy replacement for a Crx yet, that’s why people pay for them.

I’d love to have another CRX again. I sold mine for $4500 back in 2003.

damn, i want that 2nd one for a daily driven econobox!

I’ve always wanted a crx for an SPL install. they DOMINATE in the street SPL in the US

true story.

I had a 1990 CRX SI and it was incredibly light to steer, even at slow speeds or when parking it was very easy.

FWIW, I wrecked that car into a tree on icy roads. It needed a fender, door, windshield, radiator and maybe a hood. It held up pretty well considering it hit a tree at 40mph. I replaced the windshield and radiator and drove it for the rest of winter before selling it for 1000 dollars 7 or 8 years ago, lightly rusted (not bad though).

omg that be a sky high price according to cossey! you like totally ripped them off…:retardclap

i guess it wont be as bad of a ripoff when the person who buy’s his GTR has it repo’d by uncle sam…

Its a losing battle, this is a Honda site :lol

I was just saying that many vehicles hold their value. PJB’s grandmother’s ride is not one of them. I’d much rather be in a C5Z than a CR-X any day.

Oh come on. You are sitting here talking about appreciation and depreciation on something that isn’t even an investment. You could buy ANY car, ever made, take from the dealership and put in a garage. 20 years later, yah it will be worth money because it will be a “rare” find.

Matter of the fact is, $14K on a CRX is just dumb. UNLESS you are going to buy it for a small investment another 20 years from now and NOT drive it.

I have seen C5 vettes going for $15K so lets do some math:

Vette: (Benefits)

345HP/6-Speed/RWD/PW/PL/Airbags, I could go on and on and on

CRX: (Benefits)


I am not saying it is a unworthy vehicle. But to pay 14K for something like that you are going to put on the road is a joke.

Atleast Im not alone here.

And while Im not a huge fan of Corvette C5’s (C6 ftw) Id definately take one over an economy shitbox for the same price.

“What we have here is, failure to communicate”

Nothing positive will ever come out of a convo between people that look at a Honda CRX in the same way that ‘we’ look at a AC Cobra, L88 Camaro, etc.

But here is the deal. I can understand purchasing the vehicle for an investment standpoint, and putting it in storage, but to buy it to drive is ‘full retard’, IMO. Why? Because if someone is purchasing this thing as their ‘sunny day/weekend’ car, well…I can list many cars/ideas that would be cheaper/more fun than driving around a 20 year old stock Honda. And to daily drive it? Well, it’s going to get torn up and depreciate. Also, it’s not as reliable as a car that’s 10-20 years newer that goes for a similar price. Period. Argue that all you want, but only someone with a fair amount of technical knowledge would understand.