16 yrs old in need of a job!!

step one to a good job: start spelling properly.

bus tables, thats the best money u will make at ur age.

When I was 16 I worked in a collision shop sweeping floors, taken out trash, and picking up lunch on Saturdays.

and Carl, you suck, I’m hungry and want to play paperboy now.

Word some place that is 24 hours too, then you can get all the hours you need. Either that or go work at burger king or mighty taco or wegmans like every other 16 year old. You won’t regret it right away because for every asshole you work with there is a hot slutty 17 year old that hates the manager just as much as you. Whose dick is she gonna suck when her boyfriend dumps her???

You’re welcome.

Word get a paper route.

When i was a boy I used to run a double route of the buffalo news. Easy fucking job, but getting up early sucked. It was seriously only a 45 minute job a day.

I also worked at teds hot dogs, cleaning tables and asking people what they want to drink.

That sucked balls.

Apply everywhere and someplace is bound to hire you. Shitty that they say no one under 18, but alot of jobs do have liability issues with minors. Also some jobs require you to be 18 due to tools being used so just avoid those jobs if you can so you dont waste your time.

Try fast food places, restaurants for bus boy/dishwasher, etc.

AHAHAHA that is so true. It’s happened to me a couple times just because of being a co-worker, gotta love the odds. Haha

If i could go back in time and work at burgerking again it would rule. I made shit for money but holy shit the broads that i was hooking up with was awesome.

ntohing better then blowjobs at work

oh and i just realized.

i was at sports replay a few days ago on NFB and there seemed to be one 11 yr old kid and one 13 yr old kid working.

i was looking at used rolller hockey skates. i almost laughed at the little kid there, he was trying to sell me some skates for like 80 bucks


i worked at niagara fiberglass for one week. do not go there. health>8 bucks an hour.

Mcdonalds :slight_smile:

whats really funny, when you live on your own, restaurants and food places are totally Clutch, cutting down food costs is amazing. But holy shit do you gain weight, and QUICK.

obviously being 16 he isn’t living alone…


When you are 16 with no job experience, and no car, you pretty much take what you can get. Work at McDonalds, Tops, Wegmans, or whatever place will hire you. It will probably suck, but make the best of it and build up experience for a better job that you will like more. Jobs that only hire 18+ do it for a reason- who wants a bunch of young kids working for them who have never held a job before? You have to prove yourself. If you like outdoor work, get a job at a nursery or grower around here. My first job at 16 was for a nursery, and it wasn’t a bad first job at all. More than minimum wage, working outside in the summer, chill family-owned business working with a bunch of cool people, who were often high or hungover so they didn’t give a damn. It had it’s downsides, but I still went back a few years later when I needed a college job.

i already tryed alot of places and called them after handing in a application as well is there something im doing wrong? i mean c,mon now somewhere needs to hire me damn i need car insurance money. anyone here have any hookups to get me a job? i will not let you down!!!

thanks steve =]

+2 because they have wireless now. I’m such a nerd so i’d bring my laptop to work for my breaks.

im pretty sure the UPS Stores will hire 16 year olds. its a brainless job but u only make minimum but thats about all you’re gonna get at 16.

anyway, heres some things that i have found though the years that have helped me out:

-hand your application to a manager: if possible give it right to the person who needs to see it. if theres someone at a counter or somethingm, politely ask who the manager is, and if you could see them to give them the application directly. that way, you can promptly introduce yourself, and if you’re lucky, they may just interview you right on the spot. before leaving, ask them when would be a good time to check back. but at all costs, try not to give an application to an employee…trust me stuff gets lost, thrown out or whatever and doesnt get to the person who needs to see it.
-dont just CALL back : physically GO back and ask to talk to the manager: "Hi, im , i put in a job application a few days ago, and i just wanted to see if you had gotten a chance go look it over yet…" seriously prospective employers like when someone comes back and inquires about the job. picking up the phone and calling is easy, but when you make the effort to actually come in that looks really good, and they get to put a face to the name and are more likely to remember you that way.
-go back 2 or 3 times if yo have to, obviously dont get the point where you’re stalking the place, but keep checking back to show you’re really interested. employers want to hire someone that wants the job and wants to do the job, and by making the effort you’re showing the interest and dedication they want to see.
-dont talk to much, and act more mature than you are. you want to have the right mindset and level of professionalism for the job (in other words, dont go to an interview for a construction company wearing a suit and tie) and dont try and talk yourself up. make you’re application look as professional as possible while still making yourself look really good. you’re application/resume should speak for itself, in a way.
-if an employer asks you 'can you do
___’ and you cant, dont lie and say yes, be like ‘no, but i want to learn’ or ‘well, i do not have a lot of experience with that, but id like to learn more about it’ employers like to hear that you’re into the job and want to learn. they’d rather hire someone that is willing to learn and and willing to accept help than someone that is a self-proclaimed know it all (when really they are just full of shit…and a seasoned interviewer can usually tell when you’re making shit up)

sorry for the long winded response, but just a few things that might help ya out that i’ve found to work well for me. maybe some others here can add to it and/or modify my responses.

holy crap

mikeRIgto24 is actually right on there

seriously man, just bug the piss out of employers til they just tell you to leave

then come back again

i’ve never gotten turned down for many jobs, since i annoy the living shit out of people who should hire me til they do :tup:

you’re your best salesman, and they’ll start thinking you must really want it, if you act like you really do

if your good with your hands try getting a hand job :gotme: