16 yrs old in need of a job!!


Not a great place to work at the moment due to wage increases (minimum and everyone in the company).They are acting like nazis and are constantly on our shit,trying to send people home and watching over us.Nobody has any hours.


when i was 17 i worked at midas because i knew the owner and i thought it would be sweet it sucked go with bussing tables somewhere or target

oh come on. like any of those jobs you listed are cool.

pretty much ANY job you get when you’re a teenager is going to suck

thanks for this post im gunna try this because a few times an employee took the application now im gunna go back and ask for the manager. p.s. the new car looks good

I’m sure there are stores in the mall that would hire someone who is 16.

Anything you get at that age is going to suck though. In general though, any kind of store or retail position will look better on a resume for future, less-sucky undergrad college jobs than physical labor jobs like landscaping.

There was a 16 year old working the chinese restaurant in the BLVD mall the other day. Throw in app’s at every single food chain in the mall and I guarentee one is bound to call you back.

when I was assistant manager at spencer gifts back when I was in undergrad, a lot of the regular associates there were 16. I would have been the best boss ever. I so didnt give a shit about that bs job.

When I was 16 I started working as an automotive detailer at a detail shop. I had the choice between being paid hourly or commision per car, I chose commision and made a lot of money since it was a you get what you give kind of thing. Going into it I had zero experience, but my boss took a liking to me and gave me a shot. He was flexible with my hours since I was still in highschool, so that helped. After a few years of doing this I learned the business, obviously how to detail, and made some key contacts. During summers while home from college I ran my own business out of the garage where I had accounts with a used car lot, a body shop, and about 5 customer cars per week from word of mouth. Was really good money, like $1000/week…but was phsyically draining at the same time.

someone here needs to somehow hook me up with a job oppertunity but im deff gonna try the mall idea when i go there friday me and my buddie detail cars for people in the summer but dont have a garage so its limited

ok so i was in the same situation 3 years ago, i swear i filled out about 20 applications… i finally got sick of filling them out, so i was determined to work at savealot because i had 3 friends that work there( only reason) i filled out an application, and turned it in ( but asked for the manager to give it to) he said there not hiring, well two days later i called to see if they were hiring and saying i turned an application in, they said no. So then 2 days later called again. They said no again. Called back another day and they were like yes we could interview, then bam got hired… then two years later i realized the job sucked, but i was 18 and could work where i had experience. and now im doing electrical work and welding…

just annoy the hell out of the place you want to try to work at, they like seeing someone is intrested

whats funny is im actually annoying and i bug people i know a lot, but i dnt annoy people i dnt know that much lol but tomm im gunna bug some potential job places

i don’t know you and your stupidity annoys the ever living shit out of me.

thats not nice and im not stupid i have a 85 average and can weld and have helped assemble many motors and install them as well possibly more motors than you have but… .back on topic i can be annoying i nag alot

was it really that bad? i know alot of people that work or have worked there and its close to my house

hahaahahah. el. oh. el.

pat you have just been PPPWWWWNNNNDDDD. not

haha i deleted it, dnt need anymore hate from the fbody group that im supposed to belong too

yeah i do nothing car related being a mechanic you dipshit. i also don’t wanna hear anything about you and knwoledge since you thought the heads and intake were one piece. then you cried about your car overheating yet manage to post a video of it doing a burnout. then you whined about two connectors of which you had no idea where they went yet you took it apart. you can’t even keep a 3.4 turd bird running yet you think you have knowledge. do us all a favor and work at mcd’s since you’ll fit right in with the asshats who can’t seem to undertsand no pickles.

hahaha, no you didnt, dumbass

i fixed all the issues with the bird it runs and drives better now than it did when i got it. and if i get a job at a foodplace ur deff gonna get pickles if u say no pickles lol
