1991 240sx hatchback silver [unfinished time attack project car rare & quality parts]

Every time you speak, you make yourself sound that much more silly. Try listening to some responses and think about them. Do you really think that everyone is out to get you and just shits on your posts for fun? How is EVERYONE except for you in the wrong, or on drugs, or stupid, or uninformed, or cheap? Think about it for a bit.

I wonder how much you think Bing’s S14 is worth?

You keep mentioning ‘China eBay’ builds one this forum. There are plenty of cars who don’t run Chine eBay suspension components.

You keep mentioning your Wilwoods, why, I don’t know. It’s complete overkill for your 130 whp setup. The fact that you can’t even run a decent lap time with this car is very telling.

How you manage to survive in public is confuses me.

You manage to only respond to the most inane comments and never, ever take posts in their entirety. Listen to the feedback you’re getting on this car and maybe stop responding like a teenaged girl in heat.

After all these years, I’m still convinced that you’re not even a real person and have actually pulled the longest running troll account on SON.

When is your next track day, I’d actually like to meet you in person someday.

Silly son240 low ballers. 25k 5k? 500 dollar coils? My willwoods are too much for my KA? LOL what? 500-1500 china coils are not the same as a koni race setup that costs 500USD per single shock insert only. If my car is so much suck for you and overpriced move along.

I don’t care if any of you don’t know the actual value of these items, or if you can’t afford them or or what you have on your car or what someone else has on their car or are selling their car for. It’s all irrelevant.

Car is not being parted to low balling children that want parts on a budget like vultures. Reasonable offers are acceptable and I’ll still lose money regardless.

If you were to just try to amass all the parts alone you wouldn’t be able to do it for the price junkyard parts or china parts or what have you versus actual parts that cost a pretty penny… please… Silly claims like you can get all SPL arms for 700 or ‘custom coilovers’ for 1100 bucks… ya okay.

If you think you can get all that’s on this car for your fantasy low budget. Go right ahead. Simple as that. Move along children.

I rather keep the car than have some idiot want it basically for free because “there is a KA” in it. LOL

The thing is you’re trying to get your labour costs back, that doesn’t happen in real life.

Other than that, you might have 3-4k in highqualitynotebaybro parts and a quebec-mint s-chassis with a dent on every panel.

And considering its not really street worthy anymore (no heat etc), who are you going to sell it to? Stance kids won’t buy it because its ugly, drifters won’t want it because ka (and 11k pricetag lol) and most guys that are seriously into tracking prefer to build it themselves, because half the fun is tuning it to your style of driving.

Fs thread going well, lots of interest in the car, serious offers left and right.

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will you accept Canadian tire money and chucke cheese tokens mixed in with some monopoly money?

Can somone just lock this pointless over priced pice of shit up?

It’s fucked thay where 14-17000$ 25 years ago and you want 11 for rust and lies? Go puck yourself pal

Just red the thread and now I want to punch the op in the dick. You talk like your some kinda god anyone can install bolt ons. ( most People will splice together a junkyard oem brake setup and never spend the money or know the difference) bitch are you retarded? You must be don’t ever fucking speak for others you have no clue. I could bore you and keep going but I’ll stop. You sir can take your over priced bolt on pice of shit car and remove yourself from this forum you come off as a know it all goof that actually has no clue. Get fucked

Used koni Coils 550 bucks

Used willwood brakes 400 bucks.

We all know what rusty S13 hatches go for… Nothing.

If you patch the frame the car will not flex and drive as good as a factory car, so its no good for a track car build…
No way it will pass cert and be drivable without considerable money and time on a rusty chassis… Not a DD car.

Its a parts car, or with some rust repair a cheap track car… I have no idea why you want 11 grand for it. Especially as I am yet to see any frame pics, or a actual response to a question that’s not you taking it personal and crying.

And no offense but unless you had big power and/or a frame in that car, no one other than a pro driver will even be able to notice a major difference between those fancy gold diamond plated parts and cheap Chinese ones.

I get it man you want to get serious coin for your ride, we all did and we all took a bath. I would motor boat your rusty frame holes, with tongue if you could prove you spend more than 5k in that car.

like Ronnie said just be realistic man. If not, At very least a little bit reasonable.

You call people children when they’re older than you and have far more real-world experience than you do. And yes, your Wilwoods are overkill for your stock KA on a Ontario track. Yeah, you really need more than a good 300ZX setup with pads and R-comps at Cayuga… hahahahhaha. Man, what planet are you from? Because we all know that a OEM Nissan Skyline or Z car setup isn’t enough for a 2,500 lb car on R-comps to haul you down from 150 km/h… hahahhaha.


Low balling children at least seem to understand basic physics more than you do. Do you carry on in all areas of your life like you do on this forum? I pity the people who actually have to talk to you. That being said, I’d love to meet you.

This is your first car. You have no clue… why don’t you actually put your ego in check for one moment and perhaps try actually communicating (communication means that you also listen, instead of immediately rant and insult people) with other forum members. You seem to think everyone on this forum is a child and that everyone here runs cheap parts. If you’d listen to people, you amy actually learn a thing or two; by the same token, you MAY be able to teach people a thing or two. You teach nothing to anyone because right now, you have zero idea on how to communicate like a human being. Try a different approach, you’ll find life a lot happier and easier.

Good luck with your sale. When you’ve given up after zero offers, maybe instead of calling everyone else a low-balling child, maybe take the time to think about why no one is willing to pay. And before you answer that, no, it’s not because no one is willing to pay for a nice car, it’s perhaps because this car is nowhere near as nice as you think it is.

People don’t hate on your car because “it’s a KA” or because “it’s not stanced”. People hate on you and your car because you actually sound like a horrible human being and you consistently show that don’t actually know anything about this stuff. You’d prefer to spout hate rather than learn from a COMMUNITY. There are plenty of people out there who don’t like the stance look, nor care for super horsepower, nor want to run cheap suspension components.

And just because parts are expensive, it doesn’t mean they’re good. The reverse is also the same.

I hope you read this response a couple of times through before your knee-jerk reaction boils your blood into some sort of psychotic, belligerent post that makes no sense.

lol used konis yellows? You do realize koni yellows are not the same as koni 8611 DA race shocks right? Your logic is awesome. So if I was selling a koni/wilwood toilette seat, that means it’s all the same because it has koni/willwood in the name :slight_smile:

Haha you guys make me laugh. Ronnie you seem to have your anus up in a twist that’s cute. Loving your haterade :slight_smile:

While you’re at it, maybe you can also buy Koni 28 series shocks for 500 bux too? I’m sure you have your mad skill hookups yo!

ahmed keep the car, these cheap son of ah bitches aint got the money to buy it so thats why the critisize and complain, but in reality they would take it in a heartbeat, so fuck all dem lowballers drop in a sick motor swap, and watch them drew all over it.

why such huge brakes on stock powered 240?
Why not just keep z32’s with good pads, rotors and a properly bled system

Yes, you have some nice brake/suspension parts, but the condition of your car does not justify your price.
Cars are a horrible investment, you will never get what you paid for, especially labour costs.

If you part it out, you will have a much better chance at recouping your losses, otherwise you will see it rot before anyone makes an offer at this price.
At the end of the day this is a 23 year old Nissan.

ahmed, this is crazy. i cant even read most of the rest of this thread.

honestly, i saw your thread and saw you were selling your car and clicked and i was like… okay i think this guy probably has some rad stuff on the car.

sure enough, wilwood brakes done right, koni suspension is an oddball choice but certainly has its merits, i’ll give you that. SPL arms, again good choice…

but then the car doesn’t run right… a stock KA at that. then it has a host of electrical issues that you couldnt solve or didnt want to?

then the frame is fucked?

and the body panels are fucked??

if this thing were in great shape aesthetically and fully functioning mechanically & electrically i can see you getting $8k - $10k from a savvy buyer who really understands what you’ve done to the car; someone who would put in a new motor (SR or LS) and rock out… but you’ve basically put $5k+ in great parts (and i’m being a bit generous here) on a junkyard chassis.

there is no way this car is selling for more than even half what you’re asking and you should know that. your best bet is to part it out or go buy a nice southern US car and swap your gear on to it and keep enjoying it.

I find it entertaining that instead of backing up what your saying with facts or proof you just call people names and talk shit.

I couldn’t find any set of shocks that were 25 grand. and frankly I’m willing to bet you went to tiger, bought a 500 dollar set of whatever they had laying around and Googled them. kind of like the SR dogbox that was found in a clip a while ago, You may have been banned when that happened… not sure.

You talk a big game and don’t back any of it up. If I bought 25 thousand dollar shocks I might keep the receipt.

Bings, you got PM lol.

No fastback240, the shocks are completely a part of my imagination, the compression adjuster on the bottom is completely imaginary and the rebound adjuster on the top of the shock is also completely imaginary. Everything is all a part of my imagination. Go build your super custom coilover setup please.

And while you’re at it go and buy your Wilwood Billet 6 piston Superlites BBK for 500 bux too. Go check the price on a single Billet 6 piston caliper. I’m sure someone will also do the CNC aluminum hats for free for you.

      • Updated - - -

Actually funny that you asked me that, for the hell of it I checked and I do have the receipt for the willwood front/rear brakes and I spent a lot of money now that I look back… customs raped me too. Makes me just laugh at all the low balling in this thread. Did someone say they can get the whole setup for 500 bux? LOL???.. Go right ahead…

Well done. You’ve basically ignored my whole reply that made a lot of sense and proceeded to reply with a comment that makes no sense. You’ve basically repeated a previous insult.

I realize that replying to you is absolutely pointless so I will stop. You are incapable of reason. Zero. I tried to talk some sense and phrase things in as least of a confrontational way as possible.

Instead, you focus on low baller shit.

I have literally never encountered anyone as pig-headed and oblivious to reality as you are. Well done.

Are you kidding me? I never said they were imaginary, I said there’s no way in hell you paid over 25 thousand for them. did you miss that or are you just ignoring it because your talking shit. My 500 dollar D2s (that I bought used for 200 bucks) had adjusters too there bud. And why do you think I care to build or buy some super stupid coil over setup? If I were in the market Id just roll with some mid level coils like peter said.

I believe you spend a grand on brakes so everyone would think you had a super bawler big motor under that dented hood, on the other hand.

Ronnie is right, arguing with you is pointless. you refuse to acknowledge your anything but perfect and you just make shit up and say you have a receipt for brakes when were talking about coils.

It’s like dealing with a 3 year old coming down off a sugar high. bitch and whine.

      • Updated - - -

X2 I feel like banging my head ageist the wall.

Where did I state 25k LOL?!?! That’s madness. One of us must have misread something. Even pro level racing 4-way dampers don’t cost that much. 10-15k sure.

I didn’t even mention the total cost of the setup. I laughed at the claim you can build custom coilovers for 1100. You can build koni yellows for that price but not koni 8611s. A koni yellow/GC setup can be had already over the counter; still a superior setup to the typical china/jdm crap most people get (but people don’t know).

Each koni 8611 DA insert is 500USD and I gave you a link to summitracing.

Not adding everything up, it was 3.5k+ with quite a few bits and pieces that had to be sourced and made custom, one off and mixed matched. You can’t just get it all at once or over the counter. This does not include customs/shipping. A bargain still for such a setup compared to most comparable over the counter setups.

The only comparable over the counter setup are the KW 2-way clubsports. After that you have AST’s 2-ways and those are money. After that we’re talking Koni 28 series and motons which are over the top.

There’s only one guy I know that ran Motons on a 240, one guy that ran the koni 28 series (these are former 80s F1 shocks btw, 8611s are European touring car shocks) and two other guys that ran ASTs on a 240… they are all money.

As far as my wilwood front and rear brakes, these are wilwood 6 and 4 piston billet superlites with 2 piece floating VERY THICK directional vaned rotors. Front and rears were 2.4k USD and yes I have a receipt for that… AND I got raped by customs big time for around 700CAD (how, ask the government). The whole setup is massive, feels great, stops great, never fades, ‘overkill?’ all out awesome… and my favourite purchase on the car. Less unsprung weight compared to my former 300zx brakes setup too.

Other wilwood kits out there come with inferior calipers, anchor heavy oem rotors, or a few setups out there that are two piece have been prone to cracking problems.

Bottom line is this, talking shit to me/about me/being a dick, trying to low ball me or devalue all of this, saying there is a KA in the car or whatever other BS you’ve brought up, doesn’t change any of the facts.

If you can’t afford it, can’t understand what the hell any of this is or how much it costs. Move along please. I rather not sell it and keep it than have some low ballers cannibalize what they can’t afford.

You want receipts too? When you don’t know what the fuck any of this is, that’s all there is to say.

Go build it all yourself with your super hookups and I’m sure you’ll have it AALLL for 5k maybe even with an SR.
