1993 240sx 30,000km *Pics n Info* 56k warning!

honestly jeff tell your dad i am so insanely jealous right now. that is the find i’m sure 99% of the users on here would be hoping to come across. for that price, i know i would.

where exactly did you guys come across this anyways?

Wow what a deal I got this will be on my lift on the weekend is there different engine models S13??? this car will stay original

Also boys Im the owner of this.

Dude, this car is mint! You are one lucky guy. Keep it stock.

I guess any shop that sells things at a higher price than they have to disgust you? Or the dealer that you bought your car from?

If you bought a car for 2000 and some offered you 5000 for the same car, you’d be disgusted?

Blatant gouging is one thing. But buying things below market value and selling at market value is good times.

If I bought something for 1000 but the acual value was 2000. Why the fuck would I sell for 1000 just for the sake of it? I understand passing on good deals, and I regularly do so. But cmon, there’s a limit man.

By your mentality, someone who charges 80 bucks an hour making good profit, should only be charging what it costs them.

I’m all for passing good deals on, but there is no crime in profit.

Eff that! Rip that shit apart and do the swap of your choice. $

Its a wickedly mint car, but really, its a 240. Its not like the holy grail of cars. I can understand everyone creaming their pants if it was a 240z or something. 240’s are a dime a dozen. The only good thing about this car is that its mint!!! Low km!

Don’t get me wrong, wicked deal and wicked find, but really why the pedestal? End of the day, to enjoy this car, you have to mod it and beat it. What pleasure is there in a STOCK 240. I’d be super excited if jeff was saying thyere gonna rip that shit apart and build a monster.

To be honest, I’m not overly excited about a stock 240 that’s being kept stock with oem suspenison, tires, brakes, etc. That’s just doesn’t sound fun.

I just don’t see a point in making it seem like its a classic or something. Its a super duper clean, slow, boring looking and driving car…till you MOD them!!!

My 2 cents.

That being said, jeff, that car is sweet and I’m stoked for you. But for the love of god, DON’T LEAVE THAT SHIT STOCK.

for the record, i’m with ronnie. i would not be able to keep this car stock. the chassis is just too nice NOT to build on it…

with that said i probably wouldn’t track it though, cause i’d feel real shitty if i somehow smashed up one of the cleanest, lowest-mileage 240’s left in canada.

one thing i will disagree with ronnie on is that 240’s are a dime a dozen…may have been the case years ago before they became popular, but now…? how many other 240’s do you see a day? ive gone weeks without seeing ONE before.

well fucking said OMG those guys are cocky douchebags

a very tru comment here. i agree 110%.

There’s a very big and important difference between shops/dealers and individuals.
Dealers and shops provide a service, they source you things that are normally not accessible and bring them here. They pay importation fees, shipping, etc, and make a product available to you.

If I bought a car for $2000 that is worth 5, I would buy it to keep for myself because it’s a good deal. I would never buy a car to resell, because I have things called morals and a conscience. Buying and reselling things locally simply inflates the market and earns you a profit at the expense of others. You become a drain on society.

As for buying something for 1k and selling for 2k, I’d argue that a conscientuous person wouldn’t buy an item to resell to begin with. Only greedy people would.

I’ve argued this a lot on SON, because a lot of people on SON run these kinds of scams. They buy heap cars, do a half assed job of repairing them, and then rip off fellow members. Sometimes they don’t even repair, they just flip.

To summarize there is no crime in EARNING profit, through some sort of value added action, such as importation, buying bulk and taking advantage of savings, but flipping things locally for a profit makes you scum, and anyone that does it will always be scum in my eyes.

This is not directed at you personally by any means, so don’t take it as such, but I’m just disgusted with the general attitude that people have toward “free money”. It’s flipping shit that caused the housing market and financial collapse of the USA. People were greedy and irresoponsible, and wanted to make a quick buck at the expense of their fellow man. If you want to make money, DO something, ADD value to your goods, don’t just buy low and sell high like some worthless leech.

agree with solarian +1

and pete, car looks nice! only thing i think would be cool to do with it is lower it with some nice wheels to keep a sports car style to it. in the end, do what you want with it!

Ummmm, there’s a difference between buying with the intention of flipping and buying something at a good deal, then selling at market value when its time to move on.

Inflating the market? Wtf is the value of an average s13? There is none. They range from free to over 10K.

If I buy something at a good price, when I go to sell it, regardless of the reason, I see no harm in selling at market value.

I’ve bought things and lost a lot of money when I need or want to sell, I’ve also bought things that I’ve made money on when I’ve needed or wanted to sell.

There is nothing wrong with buying a car to part it out. There Is nothing wrong with buying a car and fixing it to sell higher. That’s business.

I’m not here to make money off this community, I’m also not here to give things away. I’m chinese, I HUSTLE to find shit at a good price and work hard for that shit.

I’ve never knowingly gouged anyone or ripped anyone off knowingly, my prices are all fair, does it matter what I paid as long as its a FAIR price?

Dude, I’m not accusing you, cause I don’t know what you do. I said flipping cars is wrong, you said it’s okay. Flipping a car, is buying it with the intention of selling and holding it for a short amount. It’s the same shit people did when the PS3 came out, they just bought up stock to price gouge.
If you just buy a car to drive, and then you sell it X years down the road, then you’re like every normal person in the world. That’s not flipping cars at all.

what you are saying make no sense. if the seller is lieing about a car and seling under false pretences, like a bad tranny or whatever, then i see your point. but if somone finds a good car for 500 and knows that it is worth 2000 on the market then and proceeds to sell it for that much disclosing all info about the car then i see no problem with that. its like buying a house that is a power of sale(bank forcing to sell to get there money) or just dirt cheap and selling it for fair market value.


Yes, there are 2 USDM engine “models” for the car the previous generation model came with a SOHC (KA24E) and the model that you just bought comes with a DOHC (KA24DE). You win, it is still slow though. :stuck_out_tongue:

The car is not a classic yet, but there have to be some people out there that realize one day they will be a classic, right now its a collector car and if its kept up well it will be a classic car. BTW i dont know if you noticed but Pete_240 is the new owner and it will be up to him what happens with it, ill just be an influence.

If i buy a car for 1000 and then decide i dont want it anymore for whatever reason am i required to sell it back out for 1000 even if its worth 5000? Well if i dont want to be a solarian deemed douchebag that is.

I think it depends on who you’re selling too. I feel guilty trying to sell things for more money for some reason, especially if it’s to someone I know. And I’m Asian too, so something must be wrong with my DNA. But I think what Solarian is saying is not that you’re not allowed to sell your car for more money in the future.

He’s saying that he’s disgusted with people that buy really cheap cars with the intention to try and quickly flip cars and make a quick buck of other car enthusiasts.

He’s just saying that if you find something for a really good deal but you don’t even plan on keeping it no do you want it for yourself, leave it for the next person to get that good deal. Don’t try and be greedy.

Correct me if I’m wrong!

seriously, if you think there will be a classic car market for mint S13’s in 20 years time where they sell for more than new, ior heavens forbide original price x X, you are seriously deluded…

hold onto that #'s matching gem, it’ll be worth nothing someday

drive the bitch.

Darian makes a good point. Some cars will never be come a collectors car. For example, even if you had a 91 Civic SI with 20,000kms, or let’s say a really old Cavalier or Sunfire. Some cars just don’t have that status.

The Z32 300ZX as well will never become a classic I think.