2 Wrecks in 3 months!HELP!!

Ok back in March I recked my 07 s2000 into a gardrail.It was a total loss of 25k and my insurance covered it thank god!I was paying 150 a month with full coverage.After the reck it has shot up to 216 with shit coverage.Well three months later a deer ran out in front of my 02 s2k and now it has 4k in damage.If I claim it will Progressive drop me?Will my insurance ski rocket more?Im lucky I have insurance but the last 3 months have been hell.Any help would be great THANKS!

kill yourself.


Go after the deer’s insurance company…


The logical thing to do would be to call Progressive and simply ask them… Posting here is going to be of little to no help as we are not an insurance company but rather a mere source of internet comedy.

Depends on a lot of factors… I’m assuming you are under 25, so your rates will probably go up quite a bit.

Evaluate from a cost standpoint… If the damage is 4k, then assuming your rate goes up by 150 a month (pretty big amount but hey it’s a guess), then it would take 4000/150, or about 27 months for the increase in insurance to “cover” that payment.

That’s all just a guess but you can see where I am going with this.

If the increase in rate is substantial, think of how long it will take for it to reach 4000 in damages. If that length of time is longer than you intend to keep the car, then have insurance cover it and suck up the estimated increase…

If you intend to pay the 4000 up front to avoid going through insurance altogether, be sure to include the true cost as in any interest you pay in loans, whatever if you are borrowing that money to have it repaired.

That being said, 4k is a pretty big chunk to eat up on your own… Yet with your recent crashes insurance may really go up a lot too. Best of luck…


I know for a fact progressive will not allow you to renew on your next statement, but progressive is expensive. They did it to me for 2 speding tickets and a wreckless driving and gieco took me and was like 1/2 the price of progressive for better coverage haha

You hitting the guardrail is a collision claim. You hitting a deer should be covered under comprehensive. Comprehensive is for things you can not prevent (theft,vandalism, acts of nature). Insurance companies really frown on collision claims but will let a few comp claims slide. I would put the $4k claim in for sure (that is why you pay for insurance). If they drop you shop around for another company. As long as you don’t have tickets and accidents on your driver abstract or bad credit you should have no trouble getting a rate similar to what you have now with Progressive. Hell shop for rates now and see what you get. I wouldn’t wait too long before filing a claim though.

The S2k have too much torque to keep straight and hit the guard rail???

lol jk. I didnt know you crashed it?? I saw johnny the other day on the highway…his s2k looks nice.

Theirs also a guy that lives near me that has a silver, hard top s2k with black rims. Havent met him yet but I see the car parked outside the apartment all the time.

take it from experience, progressive sucks ass. My family and I have had them for over 25 years and have NEVER had a problem with them. I had 3 accidents which totalled 3 cars (2 of which were actualy the same car) all within a month and a half and my rates never went up. Now progressive on the other hand, the drunk driver that hit our house has them and they are willing to cover only $200 for our grill and now we have to go after the guy for the other $4k.
just my .02

Stop waisting S2000’s!
buy a beater

Makes total sence to me :excited

Sucks to hear that, but you should sell me S2000 parts to cover your rising insurance cost.

-Wiring Harness

or whatever’s left of the car. Not joking so if you still have either car PM me.

oohhh man, you make me laugh

insurance will always go up every time a claim is made as your proving yourself as a liability.

eventually usually 3-5 incidents depending on severity a company could and might drop you but theres always another company that will offer u coverage

true true, but there is some good advice here and there

epic return of bobbyt