2 yr old raped by pitbull


I just saw the dog on the news,he is really cute…brown and white…but what he did is SO WRONG.


Really, I don’t think the dog had any idea what he was really doing. He just needed to bust a nut and found a hole he fit in. This is 100% the parents fault, not the Dog or the Child.

It’s the child’s fault! That poor dog is the victim here!


wow… poorly trained dog…


no shit, gotta train them to buy dinner and open the wine first :wink:

eazy your sig is making me lose faith in humanity

IB4 Violator expresses his outrage at all your insensitivity.

I’m with Jeg though… “file this one in the WTF folder” sums it up perfectly.

hahaha, yeah - violator’s gonna show up all juggernaut anytime now

he’ll be ridiculously pissed, prolly eat his keyboard


IB4 Violator expresses his outrage at all your insensitivity.

I’m with Jeg though… “file this one in the WTF folder” sums it up perfectly.



““I have had reports of adults having (sexual) relationships with animals” :lol:


Bored today and went to www.bangedup.com Front page there.Go to archives and scroll down and click away to see some fucked up shit

Just saw the story on the news. Fucking heartbreaking. Sign hanging on the dog’s door at the SPCA with a sign saying “Caution, extremely dangerous dog.” The dog behind it shaking/vibrating it was so scared.

They said the pit was 2 years old too. That means they got the dog when they either had the baby or knew they were having a baby. Since it was aggressive enough to hump a human I’m guessing it wasn’t fixed either. Stupid stupid stupid. Not because of the breed. Getting any puppy simultaneously with a baby is just asking for trouble.

Look where it was at tho.Washburn st.Crack/welfare alley.They should just burn that street down as if the people there were decent people, they wouldn’t be living there in the first place.

^^^EXACTLY!!! I wasgonna post about the location. I have a American Staffshire Terrier aka: Pitull. But, dont tell him that he wouldnt believe you. I think these dogs are amoung the most loyal dogs ever. My dog is as friendly and big hearted as a lab or collie or whatever. Hell, he even got attacked by a small ankle biter and never did a thing. But, I didnt “know” he wouldnt do anything, so I just kicked the lil dog away and carried on.
It is DEF. ALOT to do with the dogs upbringing. He has never been agressive towards people. He plays and runs with other dogs. He hasnt been around children though, and when he wrestles (he’s 90lbs of muscle) he gets rough (Im 215lbs) So, I would never let a kid play with him, because he IS a dog and hell if I know how hes gonna act. Only people like the ones on Washburn street believe that they “know” there dog and “know” what he/she will/wont do.
Its even more sad that alot of these people in Lockport flaunt these pitbulls around like they’re a “bling” thing. Pretty much keeping the bad rep. for the dog going. They walk them with a big chain and a spiked collar or a fat chain on it. Its so sad. I (like most middle class or just average people) try to avoid driving through these area of Lockport. I dont like to (not because Im scared) but, because I get so agrivated at what shit they’ve turned those nice houses into, and the stare downs they try to give. Its pathetic. All these people (regardless of race) should have there own country. Obviously they cant live in a normal society, cant take care of there homes, and feel the need to vent there very high levels of frustration on whomever they feel.

Oh, and to the response of the dog NOT being neutered(sp).

My dog is neutered and has tried to hump my leg twice in the 3.5yrs I;ve owned him. I gave him a quick wack to the head and he quits and finds something more productive to do. :wink:


hahaha, yeah - violator’s gonna show up all juggernaut anytime now

he’ll be ridiculously pissed, prolly eat his keyboard


maybe Ill just shove the keyboard in your ass and post pics

fucking clowns


maybe Ill just shove the keyboard in your ass and post pics



I still don’t see why the dog is being locked up and labelled as “very dangerous”


I still don’t see why the dog is being locked up and labelled as “very dangerous”


A pit bull hurt a child. That’s all the public needs to hear. It’ll be put down. :meh: It breaks my heart to think that the terrified puppy they showed on the news will be killed because it’s deemed a “danger to society.” but I’m sure it happens more often than I care to think about.

It seems like all the stories about pit bulls causing harm come from low income areas. It’s probably a correlation between a lack of responsibility and work ethic that makes them poor and makes their dogs dangerous, but it’s easier to just label pits as a “bad” breed.

Don’t get me wrong, my heart goes out to the poor kid that got hurt. But there are enough people to sympathize with the kid so I’ll give my sympathy to the dog.


eazy your sig is making me lose faith in humanity


uhhh, ok. glad i could help :roll2:


I still don’t see why the dog is being locked up and labelled as “very dangerous”


because stupid welfare people get dogs like pittbulls because they think its cool to have a tough dog. Then they treat them like shit and wonder why it happened. the dog can be rehabilitated, problem is that the SPCA is so overrun with pitt’s that most of them end up getting put down just because too much stuff like this happens :frowning:

i’d believe it though, my pittbull loves bustin a nut - except he has figured out how to handle his own business so he doesn’t bother with humping peoples legs thankfully.

opie and anthony are talking about this right now on xmradio