***2009 BUFFALO BILLS SEASON THREAD*** Poll is up until after Game 1!!!

I feel strangely good about this.

Signing TO makes the Bills relevant nationally again.
He will at least draw coverage off of Evans
He is a premier receiver
Shows that the Bills are serious about making moves and wanting to win
Only 1 year
At $6.5mm, if it works out, this could be a steal

It’s T.O.

oh im not throwing him a pity party - was just wondering about his status as he has the big tall reciever body. there was some potential there, and i was wondering if they ran him over the polishing wheel over the off season. trust me, i didn’t expect him to be the #2 guy. :wink:

There is very little character left in the NFL.

Go Sabres.

In doing a quick calculation in my head…the bills WR crew is definetly on par/better than NE.

Should be an exciting season if they can get some solid QB play and better play calling.

I think as long as T.O. is on the field there are a ton of explosive threats in your offense.

NOW GET A FUCKING TE that can catch the ball.

So who is going to control this guy the first time he gets pissed off? Trent Edwards? Cancer patient Dick Jauron? 99 year old Ralph Wilson?

Easy…Marshawn…BEAST MODE…Guns…Drugs…and he can run you over with his car.


Didn’t think I;d hear myself say this about the bills anytime soon, but I honestly think we might be able to forego a decent catching TE. Spend the majority of your firsts & seconds in a 3 rec set.

We need to get the Oline to play better then a high school squad though, this’d allow us to flex like most playoff teams. You have a 3 receiver set with lynch in the backfield and the ability to run OR pass effectively.

throw in a blocking FB or TE to help the line - or a 2nd hb to hit the flat.

and, maaaan is that weird lookin.


who cares?

what is there to control?

he can have all the media bonanazas he wants while working out on his front lawn in December - so long as he doesn’t become plaxico and skip meetings et al.

I love it already.


“I’m leaving America’s team (for) North America’s team,” Owens said at a news conference.

A guy with his talent with a chip on his shoulder…WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO

i hope he doesn’t the drop the ball.

Lynch has a gun.

He’s gotten pissed off at every QB he’s ever had. I don’t think Edwards will be any different. Although at least his excuse this time won’t be that the TE gets the ball too much, since they don’t have one :lol: He needs some type of figure to :spank: him.

$6.5 is the guaranteed portion… honestly it is stupid, especially with a young QB


  • $4mm signing bonus

I know I’m really reaching when I say this, but there’s a slim chance that he’s growing tired of being such a media whore. The guy probably never even heard of the Bills until last year, so why would he sign here if that was a big priority?

I can’t believe I’ll be rooting for him…that’s a change of pace for sure.

We have a “good” set of recievers now that limped along, really adding this to the mix will help out or quick check down passing style. We really haven’t had a big name receiver that I can vividly remember in my life time, (I was a child in the 90’s) Moulds only half counts.

maybe he almost remembers our almost upset on monday night…d’oh drop balls. Could weather and our climate doesn’t help that much…

Please catch em TO, please.

“Buffalo certainly needs a boost. The Bills have missed the playoffs for nine straight seasons, the longest drought in team history. The Bills are also coming off three straight 7-9 finishes under Jauron, who was retained by the team after his three-year contract expired at the end of the season.”

I know, we know it, but its different to see ESPN write it…desperate times, desperate measures, ok now I’m excited about football season.

this is realy exciting. I cant wait to untilize TO in our 2 yrd pass schemes. Now ralph cant blame the recieving corps for sucking anymore and he will finally see that dickhead jouron realy does suck. Esp after TO starts lighting up the coaching in the media. Maybe we needed this for ralph to poney up and get a real coach.

But i think that with evans, TO, reed, JOHNSON(because i hate hardy), parish we have one of the best recieving crew in the league. We needed that one player(TO) to finaly open up the back feild to some 1on1’s we have been missing.

Lynch outta the backfield, and we just signed our finaly healthy full back (mcyntire), and maybe peters will show up for practice.

I cat remember the last time we had a physical reciever in the back field??? was it andre reed? or pete metzelars?? eric moulds?? idk, but its been too long since we have had a good solid recieving group. If this doest give the O-line motivation to do one hell of a job then i dont know what will.

FUCK CHARACTER, I WANT PLAYOFFS. WOOOOOOOO,HOOOOOOOOO. Go TO!!! er wait, that doesnt seem right.

And for those of you doubting TO in the cold you forget he played for Philli for quite a few years, so i think he will be fine.:wink:

fuck real football! now i can actually use the bills when i play madden!