2009 Smithton rally cross schedule

Anyone able to come early and help set up, please do.

I would like to try to attend.

i’m still at work. wednesday’s rain did not hurt the track. not sure about thursdays rain, i will check as soon as i get home. judging by my yard this morning, i doubt it hurt us though. If anything, the rain has kept the dust at bay.

any questions or concerns, feel free to ask here, send me a private message, or call me at 724 396 1169. Last thing i want is someone to drive and the event be rained out. So feel free to call me whenever if you are not sure. If you sent me your number, i added you to the text message group and will notify you of updates. if you want on that group–send me a text with your name and ill add you.


The race is cancelled because of the rain! Text from Sailor at 6:45. See you guys next time.

ben is correct. i left work and went straight to the track. track is muddy pit/underwater in areas. forgot about the water flows downhill thing…

so race is cancelled, will be rescheduled.

dude… mud and rally go together…

put it out there and get it dirty…they made a carwash for a reason

true, yet it is pointless if you cant move. you are more than welcomed to go there and get stuck out in the middle. even rally stages get cut short due to inclement weather

I’ll back Sailor on that. It’s not that fun watching cars get stuck on the flat when its that wet. Wet + gravel roads = fun. Wet + clay = stuck cars, lots of money wasted at the car wash and slow times.

J, How did this weekend go for you? Was it a school you went to or a race?

It was a test, but it was so muddy that we just slide the cars around for awhile and then bbq’d. We’re going to do it again when it’s dry. I did learn new ways of cleaning mud off the car and how to get tow rigs with trailers unstuck (I’m glad I have 4wd).

We were supposed to run on the roads that surround the rally cross section, but most were un-drivable so we stuck to two test loops.

so is there a reschedule?

have yet to set a reschedule date for the 1st race. it will get tacked on either w/ another event (2 day race weekend) or added at teh end of the year.

Sailor says we look to be good for saturday. Who’s all coming out?

I’ll be there at least to set up. I haven’t got my front struts back yet.


damn im not gonna make this one either. i forgot it was the day before easter. ill be in WV then. i leave tommorow

Come and help set up if you plan on coming out. Two of the guys that normally help set up aren’t going to be there, so we will need a hand to get it done on time.

i will be at the track around 2 pm today. maybe sooner. depends on how quickly i get my car and others ready.

How’d it go? stuck with easter plans, and the in-laws in town (even if not, the car hasn’t been touched in a month or more)

everything went well. had the lower section and the first uphill section. time trials went smothly. had 8 runs in pretty quickly. then it was a test and tune until you got bored. all said and done, you could have ended up w/ a lot fo seat time.

turnout wise, was ok. considering the weekend being a holiday weekend, was good. decent amount of spectators and new racers too.

One of my runs from the event. http://www.vimeo.com/4122191 and two laps of Sailor - http://www.vimeo.com/4124328 - Turn your speakers down. The sound pops and cracks which is kind of annoying.


sailor has a subie now or he was driving someone elses?

im gonna make it to the next event!!!

i was wondering if its still possible to use the front extended section around the light pole(where the evo keapt destroying its front bumper at the last event in 08) If so i have a pretty good idea for the track which if run in 2X will cut out back tracking(except running it twice), make it fresh for all of that have been there a bunch of times, and still be long enough.