2009 Toyota Corolla. Dealer anyone?

So yea, I think it’s about time our 1998 Ford Contour took a hike :ugh:

I’m in the market for a new car and it’s going to be pretty much for my sister/family.

Have my eye set on a 2009 Corolla S.

Searching on trader to get an idea:

Corolla CE - 4dr Auto - $16k
Corolla S - 4dr Auto - $21k

I’ve never bought a new car or have dealt with a dealer, so I’m kinda preparing myself to not get screwed :squint:

Few questions:

  1. When is the perfect time to buy a new car? (I ask because my uncle mentioned fall when interest goes down)

  2. Anyone work at Toyota that can get me a sweet deal :smiley:

  3. Should I be considering another car for less but just as equal, if not more, better quality, reliability, resalability?

I really want the S because it just looks nicer :dunno: but I can live with the lowest of base model.

talk to Jesse about the nissan dealer in st. catharines

a colleague of mine has a close friend who owns a toyota dealer in simcoe if you need help that way

Well I’m going to start hitting up local dealers to see what kind of pricing I get.

St. Cath is a bit of a drive just to get a quote :hs:

Wonder if Jesse can get me a quote if I provide him with enough details on my requirements. :dunno:

Corolla? bleh

Could Toyota make a car that’s any more boring/geared towards old ladies?

As said, more towards reliability then ‘sick ride bro’ :dunno:
But these new ones look pretty sharp so yea.

very reliable and great on gas. Ive heard nothing but superb comments from people who own these cars. One guy was telling me at 230 000 he changed his timing belt and that was the only repair other than changing the fluids and brakes that he ever did.

Has the whole world gone beige? I would gladly sacrifice a little reliability for excitement.

Well that would be the case if the car was more for me. But it’s not the case.

My financial situation isn’t exactly that great which is why I’d like something that’d keep me from having to visit the mechanic.

Point A to point B is all I need. Not point A to point mechanic to point bank to point B :o

right now would be a good time to buy a car…
dealers are going crazy trying to unload some of their cars…just always keep your options open…

if you can get your hands on to a demo (floor model) you usually can get some additional discounts off that as well.

For the most part, you just want to pay attention to the services you get along with the purchase of a new car. Things like life time oil changes, what is covered in the guarantees, etc…

i’m sure once you hit up the dealer’s you’re going to be inundated with different ‘deals’ just make sure everything is written for and something you can always refer back to if need be.

wait till around late sep, oct when all the new yr model comes out…
and they will lower teh price/interest on the older yr models just to get rid of them…

also take a look at hondas…
my buddy just got a SI for 320ish a month tax in

I’m not saying not to buy a new car if that’s what you want, I just find that people are so afraid of used cars for some reason.

You could either get the same car for much cheaper or a much nicer car for the same money if you went in the used car market. I’ve had a shit load of cars and on all but 1 (granted, it was a 91) I’ve have nothing, but general maintenance to do on it.

Why buy new?

You can save a lot of cash by getting something 1-2 yrs old.

I guess used is something to consider; I’m just uber paranoid about it having problems a year or so later. :hs:

Why? You hear a lot about used car problems, but you also hear alot about murders, when’s the last time you got murdered?

you dont get “more reliability” in anything other than corolla… dont bother asking that question.

i’ve driven a 2009 and its a friggn fantastic car. i wouldnt bother with the S -get the one with the smaller motor and pimp out the interior… the 2k9 with all of the interior trimmings is seriously gorgeous for an econobox. the drive-by-wire steering (or whatever its called) would be absolute shit for spirited driving but its pretty incredible to drive around on the street with if you ask me… i loved it, uber smooth.

if the rolla is in the budget, get one - you really cant buy a better economy car.

Good to hear John. I wish I could get a 5-spd but the auto will do.

The S-type and base have the same power; just different comestic trimmings which I guess can live without (considering the almost $5K difference or so).

my mom has an '07 corolla she uses it as her dd and only spends around 250 a month on gas very reliable especially with the gas prices now

Honestly the new corollar looks like someone put a buffalo costume on the old corolla. Look at the wheels, looks almost same size in the picture (whether it is or not). I wouldn’t buy it.

I rather buy a used but better car than a new car like this.


Get a volvo c30, its pimp and its safe and fun and reliable.

I have a 14 year old volvo daily driver, 5spd that I run with 89octane fuel.

It’s a 1600kg car, 2.5L inline5 20valve, comfortable, lux, safe, reliable, quality, SOLID, I can’t explain it, no shit rattling, awesome sound from engine too. I pay 66$ for 89$ octane thats like 45liters, I do 5xxKM every fill up, i dont go all the way to the bottom… could probably do more as its a bigger tank for longer trips, but you do the math. I fill up once a week, so that comes out for me down to 264$ a month with latest pricings on 89 octane… you could run 87.

i worked on the '09 corolla / matrix launch at the cambridge plant with the program chassis engineer and he was telling me he’s been tentatively assigned to the minor model upgrade portion, which includes a cvt tranny.

don’t go stick with these it’s not really worth it. the cable shifters are so shitty it’s nothing compared to a honda solid link or rwd shifter. just get the auto since you’re planning on getting a corolla anyway. the 2.4L does pick up surprisingly well but this was moreso on the matrix. the corolla’s still have a 5x100 pcd with the 2.4L whereas the matrix gets the 5x114.3. The driveshafts themselves are much smaller in diameter compared to the 2.4L matrix shafts. so basically, it’s not worth it to get the 2.4L on the corolla, stick with the 1.6L in auto, you’ll get great gas mileage too (but it’s pretty weak still).

the 1.6L 2ZR engine used in the corolla is at its last gen right now and the same goes for all Z family toyota engines. they’ve now brought in their new R engine family (new RAV4 uses these). so engine reliability wise i think you’re pretty safe (as well as serviceability).

the electric power steering via column assist is a great addition they introduced for the new model and the application in general has been pretty successful. the quality of the tilt and telescopic function’s even better than the 1 series (tried it out myself). the feel of the pwr steering is not as nice as an s2k (which has a rack assist EPS system = better sensitivity due to minimal torsional losses in the column shaft) but in general is quite nice.

a/c has been known to start smelling kinda funny for some of the vehicles we built but this isn’t a major concern and i think denso has addressed this and the change has been made. also, there’s been minor exhaust leak issues but these have all been addressed iirc.

the main concern for you in terms of maintenance costs could very well be all alignment related. one of the biggest warranty items for corolla’s is general alignment. the rear beam carrier welds have too much variation in their final location on the rear beam and this directly affects the rear toe. as of winter 2008 the corolla’s rolling off the line were on the high end of rear thrust angle, which means the cumulative RR toe is a +ve, and you’ll likely have some feathering due to the toe out condition. what concerned me the most at the time of working on the beam was that toyota spec’s the final toe on the beam as thrust angle (both toe’s added up) and they target 0 thrust. this theoretically means you could have both RR wheels pointing 0.5 deg towards one way (+0.5, -0.5), which added up, = 0 deg thrust. what this does is give you that dog tracking feel and is the main reason why customers go to dealers complaining the car’s pulling to one side, the dealer re-aligns FR toe, and the problem doesn’t go away until they realize you have a no good beam.

for the S package, keep in mind that there is a slight issue with ground effect fitment right now as the bumper and ground effect moulds are “out of spec” (can’t really say much more about this). not a big issue but it’s not really worth the investment for the S model trim, i’d rather just get a 2.4L AWD matrix instead.

overall though, the '09 corolla gen is much, much more refined than the previous gen. i did some studies that compared the two gens and when i had to rip them around in my playground the old one definitely felt a lot more rugged and looser. everything’s been really tightened up on the new gen and as of right now the biggest thing the plant is doing is looking to cut costs everywhere for that program but as far as i know there’s nothing too major that engineering’s working on changing right now. the launch was really smooth and on schedule so all these small signs are good indicators that the car is being built well.

that’s all i can think of now…i love doing nothing at work :smiley:

if you have any questions let me know