240sx back from hell

I have a 220 volt Mig welder with flux cord. No gas.

The primer was one cote. The paint was a 1 thick coat. We used one gallon of paint. That’s not including hardener and reducer. then we did 2 coats of clear because I have to still sand and buff it.

Yeah that’s the picture my brother took of my father and I painting my car. You can see the over spray mist the gun kicks out.

Vary nice man, where do you learn to paint/body like that?

I had a 91 Cavalier before. I did the same thing but not as well. I learned as I went along with that car. Then I sold it and started to learn on the 240 the holes started small and then I worked my way up to larger and more difficult holes. And slowly learned how to do straight body work.

It went from white to black to copper red. It looks good. what did it cost? thinkin of doing the same soon. The 240 fad is fading away now, so prices are pretty low. With a swap it would be worth more, but u wont get back what u paid in total for it anyway. RHD 180sx are popping up pretty cheap nowadays but consider what happened in Quebec & people are getting rid of em for cheap fearing a similar crackdown in Ontario. So a swapped 240 is worth abt as much as a rhd 180.

very hardcore, well beyond what the majority of “tuners” are able to do…

but pictures can easily hide bodywork…

Good to see the effort going into an S-chassis, which will return the favour in smiles to the miles, something cavaliers just can’t quite do.

lower it it looks like a truck lol jks jks its clean looking

I’m so happy you got rid of that wing

good work man, by the looks of the transformation i give you 2 thumgs up. I’d say 3200 at most

well done man, looks clean

now buy my rimz and a set of my lowering springs