So I finally finished the body work my car after 2 years of mind boggling hard work. What I want to do is see what you guys think about this deal. I paid $2160 for this car. At first it looked ok. I though hmm just new tires new windshield and some fog lights and I’m off to the races… Not so.
After I pulled the interior out I started to notice some stuff. Holes… and lots of them. So that’s when the work begins because this was the car I wanted for years. And it was either this or a 91 cavalier that kept braking down.
So here is my 2 years of hard work in photos to show you what I had to fix. These are not all the holes and its about 1/2 the amount of work I put into this car. Let me know if the link doesn’t work I am new with Photobucket and posting images.
The car came painted with TRIMCLAD…. Well if any of you know anything about paint Trimclad reacts with car paint so in order to paint this car you have to sand ALL of the Trimclad off. That was before the body work started…
I spent 2775 dollars (in receipts I could find) on this car. You might think lots of aftermarket stuff. Hear is my list of after market parts in this car included in that price. I got a cheepo 2-4/3” inch exhaust $234 and a 100 dollar stainless steel muffler to pass E-testing.
I had shock towers that were so bad if I left them alone I could turn a corner hard and twist my suspension.
I seen cars in the wreckers that were in 10 times better shape then this car. In fact I have never seen any car any where in worse condition then mine.
I snapped about 20% of the bolts and studs in this car. Had to replace them all.
List of parts to bring it back to stock:
Air Conditioner valve motor
Exhaust (cat back)
Front speakers
Used Deck (There was nothing in there before.)
Deck harness
Used Gauge Cluster (cos after 285 km it stopped working.)
New Windshield
Used Fog lights
New Tires
New Spark plugs
Used Hatch
Removal of strange wiring (What is a bike speedometer doing hooked up in the car.?)
Completely new brake lines for the rear.
2 New Rear callipers
New Brake pads and rotors all around
2 New HICAS Steel lines that runs along the floor boards
That’s all I can remember right now.
Problems still to fix. The KA needs to be fully rebuilt. Its compression is 125-130 when it should be minimum 150.
The guy I bought the car from said the Tranny was rebuilt. So it grinds and clunks into gears…. So it needs to be replaced or properly rebuilt. HICAS needs to be fixed not sure what happened to it. AC needs to be fixed it has a huge leak. And I need to replace the old garbage “Bull dog” alarm system that doesn’t work.
What do you guys think the car should have been worth? And what do you think its worth now?
Before all Trimcladed :mad: