Then check out www.twinturbo.net
I’m more than that and I was daily-driving mine for years.
Personally an ls1 300zx is one of my closet dream cars. And while huge turbo spool is sweet NO turbo lag is pretty convenient.
Of course!
i tried, but that forum sucked lol
I am pretty sure its going to be a VG30dett back in the car…in 2-3 years I want to pick up an 02/03 Z06 to get my LSX kicks.
voted that you wont finish it anyways… which i would put money on.
i think everyone should put a buck or two into a paypal pot and then have a race to see who can finish their car first, you, newman or mike.
winner gets a couple hundred bucks and some sort of trophy.
Factory engine.
I think the beauty of it is that I would put $ on Mike to finish first (his car is more of a play thing for him and I know he wants to get out on the track) Newman to finish second (new toy to enjoy before there is a drive to really get the BMW done) And I will be a distant distant 3rd to whenever they are both done. I do not need the car…I have a little bit of an itch to drive it but not overwhelming and I have about 900 other things to take care of before the car comes close to priority.
I’ll put money on this car rusting away in 2turboZ’s garage
While I love rotary engines, they have their place. That place is not in a heavy Nissan.
well u know what im guna say… i say go rb all the way. there are a good amount of 300zx with the rb transplant. hell u can even run your 300zx tt ecu and u will have a straight upgrade since u cant flash the rb ecu. all you have to do is repin a couple signal wires.
stock rb26 with intake n exhaust will lay down over 300hp to the wheels, and the powerband of the rb is just amazing.
parts arent that had to come by like everyone makes it out to be.
so all that work and extra money and custom mess…to make the same power that the car makes stock… :gotme:
other than being able to brag about having something different, i don’t see the real benefits when it comes to cost and time effectiveness…and things that are rare/different are usually so for good reason…