under the dash on the driver side or passenger by the ecu? and how the hell can i find a wiring diagram for a 10+ year old alarm system without any kind of part number or name brand on it anywhere?
oh yeah, i forgot to leave out that i took the black box apart to check to see if there were any shorts of any sort, or anything burnt out in it, but no luck…still totally clueless…
Just remove one wire at a time…its like defusing a bomb, Then when you disconnect a wire that is spliced in look for the other end that is the same color…
I have had to do this a million times, if you take it one wire at a time you will make out ok
i was sposed to work with that cory kid, 2point4z on his car…but me driving mine is a bit…ok, it’s a lot more important to me than him driving his…not to be a dick, but thats just the way it is…so yeah joe, i’m off saturday…how early you wanna start? food and beer on me…
let me know, because if you’re not gonna be able to start early, i’ll end up working 8 to noon just to get some extra hours in…but if you wanna get a real early start, i wont go to work…
sure saturday could work…i have some study session thing at school from 1 til 3ish…i can be home any time after or before that…and yes i have a complete wiring schematic for the ecu…and every other bit of wiring that comes with the car for that matter…
hey dont worry about it , if u get time to stop by sool , if not its no problem, our 3 man crew will be fine, we will be dropping the motor in 2marrow, gl witht e wiring get that thing running so u can bring it over
i would love for you to check out the alarm…i would love for anybody that thinks they can do something with it to check it out lol…
i just walked out to the car for the first time since i last posted that update…and opened the door, and the alarm went off, but like never before…usually just the lights start flashing, but this time the alarm actually worked like its sposed to, horn started going and all, and i put the key in the door, and it stopped…something i also didn’t expect to work…but this was the stock alarm going off because the aftermarket one has been disconnected since i last got in the car…maybe it was interfering with the stock alarm and they were fighting, in turn causing my problems? i’m gonna go try to start it now, maybe i’ll get lucky…
I live by french and transit, kinda behind the tops… I have to go out today and get some tb cleaner… do you have atleast a pair of dykes? Maybe I can stop by while I’m out… let me know asap…
I’ve ripped out a couple alarms in the past. Just do what Carnut wrote. You know which one is the alarm control module, so just trace back every wire that comes from its harness into your car. Just make sure you solder all the connections once your do get it out. Otherwise your going to cause more problems for yourself in the future.
Worst wiring ever, is an understatement I’ve seen vomit that looked better. Took the screw on caps off, and soldered everything to the radio. And so far it’s looking promising. Needs to be re-wired to the amp that is a huge clusterfuck behind the radio.
Removable face tape deck is the shit though. :pimp:
I’ll get to fixing the rats nest later this week if no one else does I’m planning on fixing my car most of the week. Oh yes, and I’ll be demanding mighty, or something of the like.