5.1 System Noise

OK so I picked up this from Best Buy a couple of weeks ago:

Philips 5.1 surround system with DVD player. Sure it’s cheap, but I’m not an audiophile so whatever. Video works great. 95% of the time the audio sounds just fine.

But at seemingly random a speaker will have a lot of buzzing/noise. Not the same speaker each time. I cut/spliced some of the speaker wires so I suspected that at first, but it happens to speakers that didn’t get their wires cut.

Also occassionally the whole thing will pop, or cut out for a second or two.

There’s a puny little fan on the back. Maybe it’s a heat issue?

I’ve read that this is not uncommon for this model. Think I can return it even with some of the speaker wires cut?

yeah, you should be fine… I’d take it back if I were you.

return or exchange.

Speaker wire should not be an issue… I surely doubt the $9/hr Best Buy Returns Desk staff would look that far into it anyway. :slight_smile:

I dunno. The geek squad can be pretty high and mighty. I may try a couple of things first. If I could just get rid of the noise it’s an awesome price for a 5.1 system with a 1080i upconverting DVD player…

Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason…

Is there a commone fix? Or recommended course of action?

another thing you may want to try is putting noise filters in line before the speaker. It may solve your problem. If not, I’d RMA/Return them and keep doing so until you get a good system.

you could easily be picking up some radio frequencies from poorly shielded cables. I know i picked up a super cheapo 5.1 unit for the bedroom and if the cables are in certain positions I will get radios stations pretty clear on it, other times it will just be static/buzzing.

Try moving some of the cables around in your a/v rack, including power cables, not just the speaker wires.

I’ve been thinking about that. If I decide to keep the system I may replace the speaker wires with shielded pairs and pull them out of the wire channel that the power wires run through. Replace the fan with something a little higher flow too. That may clear it up.

speaker wire in the same channel as power cable is certainly giving you some noise, btw.

i’d start there, and be very surprised if that didn’t clear it up or at least make it very minimal… certainly possible there is a problem with the unit but try the basic’s first imo :tup:

edit: also pretty good buy, thats cheap as hell lol

Yeah that’ll probably clear up the noise. I dunno about the popping and cutting out, but signal noise is kind of hard to predict anyways.

I may order a spool of 22awg shielded pairs and replace all of my spliced nonsense and put a grounded shield wire on each speaker. Unfortunately the speakers are hard-wired and the receiver ends are pinned atx-style nonsense. :tdown: I dunno…

ooh, yea, move the wires at least a 6" from power lines. Further = more better’er.

School’s done as of 6pm tonight so maybe I’ll take some time to rework this thing over the weekend. I really think the cooling is suspect too. It’s got a week little fan and I’ve got it too close to the wall. Some little cowl and/or a better fan might help too… Assuming that it’s not just some sort of faulty system…

i would replace the speaker wire that comes with the setup with some better stuff, as you suggested. get yourself a roll of Monster Cable speaker wire, should cost u more than $50 to do everything. I have a lower-end Sony Home Theater In a Box (although I have since upgraded the DVD player and Receiver) and it came with that flimsy speaker wire, I used Monster right off the bat and I have never had any issues.

If you’ve got the receiver turned on and nothing going through it, and its dead silent in the room, you’re going to hear a faint “static” sort of sound, thats somewhat normal i suppose.

please do not waste money on the Monster moniker.

Monster = marketing, too much of it, and youpay for it. They are more evil then Sony with their lawsuits & bullshit on top of that.

Radio equipment’s open till 5. I’ll stop by after work tonight and get some shielded wire.

Thanks for the idea Mike. Unplugging all of the inputs for a while and listening for noise is a good idea.

is it a rhythmic noise from the speakers?

my sidekick3 causes a rhythmic interfierence, when i dont have anything on in my creative surround system. (walmart special i think like 25$? 2 speakers and a sub)

ugg monster=junk please dont get monster

fuck even home depot has speaker wire that would do good for what u need.

Nope not rythmic noise. It actually sounds like a ripped cone, except that it comes and goes. Different speakers at different times with different things playing. Totally random as best as I can tell. 95% of the time the system sounds great.

Same with the popping and sound cutting out on occassion.