6 clock global news

Everyone drives 140 on average on 401… sheesh where do you guys drive? What pisses me off is minivans going like 160… gay… they should get a real car and slow the fuck down. Honestly the average freeway speed should be set to 140km/hr… I don’t know what’s wrong with Canada :-/ I really want to move to some european or middle-eastern country where this is not an issue and the government is not making a money killing business out of it.

hahahaha best news report ever!!! those kids at the timmies are complete idiots. ive met almost all of them. street racing punks.

Just a crazy idea… what if you guys do a meet-based web reality show… to show what it’s like - give people another angle instead of this profiling crap they use to fill 6:30 news and pat the backs of “anti-import” special interest groups…

Far fetched? What do you guys think? Anyone interested?

man… i just wanna dance

This sucks for sure…I was part of the infamous Subaru 8 that got charge with street racing back in 2004 when a bunch of us decided to “convoy” to a Rally event.
We had radios,we were organized and were obeying all traffic laws. In the end, we had to hire a Lawyer and the charges were dropped because there was no evidence that we were “racing” , just that our cars looked modified. I had a stock Sti and my wife and daughter were in the car as well.

WHAT!!! you sound just like the cops and the media. Have you ever been there? Young and old, rich and middle class meet there, either to hang out or to race. But not every night they street race!!!

I have been there many times in the summer to hang out with my friends.

If you are caught street racing then you are a street racer, if you are hanging out with friends in your nice car you should not be label as a street racer, because we all know the kids who crash and kill are driving their parents cars.

Know if someone passess by Bing’s meet and see all the nice 240’s, Skyline etc and say what you said ( those kids at the Resturant are complete idiots. ive met almost all of them. street racing punks).

^ it’s actually true draggone, I know the area I live in Vaughan.

that spot, majority rules…is full of street racing punks, and brings soO much heat to themselves & they’re one
of the people to blame that just stir up more heat and suspicions on most others cars with people of similar demographics.
Usually show off their civics and stuff, ginos hangout. They get together on the weekends and some weekdays
just to chill then they’ll let everyone know it’s race time & they’ll go off to a designated place to let loose.

-that wouldn’t be the case clearly, but to those that think so, they must be really sh*tfaced,
besides, not like next to 100 cars chill around there sometimes let alone often. It’s a meet,
the locals would know it.

I use to say the same thing, until i drove beside a cop doing 120kph, and even up to 130kph with out them doing anything. (many diff times)

the minute they set it to 120kph or even 140kph, everyone will be doing 160kph…so by keeping it to 100kph usually cops dont mind the extra 20kph because yes, it keeps a good flow on the highway…They can be dicks and pull you over if they want, but they will never unless they need to make some money giving out tickets.

(people keep for getting cops are a paid service by the city, they are no diff than a retail store, they make there own money for there devision by giving tickets too.)

I know what you are saying, but it is not fair to call ever body an idiot in the parking lot!! I have been there and everything will be nice people untill one or two kids (17to19) start doing donuts and burn outs in the parking lot.

Funny thing is how many street racers they cought? 2, lol and one other for stunt driving, how many people got cought for 50 over in one day? Toronto has a problem with speeding and driver error not real street racing.

the funnier part is the video clip was from 2002

When I saw this clip I couldnt believe it!

The white S13 that they showed actually came by Performance Improvements where I work last month…

I took a good look at the car. The owner was nice, but he was totally clueless about the car. When I popped the hood I almost shat myself because of how SLOPPY the SR swap was… I mean nobody, NOBODY in this club has ever come close to doing a worse job.

The intake was dangling within a CM of the crank pully, just in front of the piping hot (stock KA) rad… It was tied on with some rope.

There were exposed wires everywhere. Nothing was done right.

I told the guy straight up, “this is the sloppiest 240 I’ve ever seen. It’s a death trap. Get this car to a shop and pay them to fix it.”

haha serves you right whoever you are.

just wondering if anyone seen what happened on highway 7 and kipling was that the raid they got a Cutlass with hydros pulled over in the center lane , a blue 02 Honda Accord with R34 bodykit and a dark green civic that had an Exhaust.

People who drive fast on the highway are usually the people who drive solid pine cars while on their way to the lumber mill.

Last time I checked, in order to pass safety you’re exhaust cannot stick outwards of the car more then 3" (inches) therefore it would be a safety issue.