730whp 460ftlbs @27psi on E98

What size is that garrett in that pic?

not anymore, my motor is in a 95 coupe ex. im tired of people crying “your motor is in a Hatchback shell”. so thats why i got a coupe to show people that you can have power everything and you can drive it to the track run mid low tens maybe a high 9 and then drive it home, Its a total street car with heat and everything full weighted coupe FTW:finger2:

congrats baldy lookin good!

dude i literally live around the corner from you. i live on fairground hill rd… mind picking me up and taking me for a ride? lol

seriously though… good numbers… just please dont come roaring by my house anytime after like 11pm… i have kids…lol

looks slow… haha just kidding nice car man…

Great numbers, and I’m sure it’ll be damn fast. But for God’s sake take the Camaro SS style hood off the thing. Seriously.


nah screw that… thats so i remember where i got my roots from :blue:

when u going to take it up the track?

june 9th hollywood knights is renting quaker, im shooting for that to be the debut on low boost

nice think bunch of us will be there too. but thought it was 7th? just need to double check in case i am wrong

i think its the 7th too… i’ll be there.

ya your right… im smokin crack, the ninth is a weekday…everyone can come make fun of me for sleeping at the tree :slight_smile:

35.00 bucks at the gate gets car, driver and one passenger in.
5.00 bucks for spectators.

Anyone that has anything with an engine and tires is welcome, any make or model or manufacturer.

If you have not ever been to one of our track rentals, you do not know what you are missing. It is NOT an average day at Quaker, we do a much better job of running the track. You might run out of gas as many runs that you can make.
Come and play, test n tune, call out someone you want to race, or if you have the guts, call out one of the Knights. It will be one of the best times you ever had at a track.

Hey bald1one where do you get your rocket e85? I’ve been looking for a reseller of it and i cannot find one

thanks for any info man

http://www.rockettbrand.com/ call TEL: (847) 657-9700 and Susan will hook you up with prices shipped to your door. It was $330 for fuel and $125 or something for shipping for 55gallons. its still alot cheaper than c-16 and you can make up to 11% more power, plus there is no carbon build up. Just going to warn you I am running 1200cc injectors and two walrbo255ho’s and i ran out of fuel supply…:eek3: More than likely would have made 800whp range on 1600cc’s but was affraid of risking driveability with the bigger injectors.

thanks for the heads up i already run e85 in the car and have 1600cc injector and an A1000 pump just looking for consistent mixes like you said

thanks again man

ur car awd?

yea its an awd talon currently running a PTE sc6152 and running a megasquirt ems

i want a ride :slight_smile:

that wouldn’t be a problem i am gonna have it at PRP’s tuner thrash or whatever its called in July and i plan on test n tuning it sometime soon at PRP as soon as its painted which should be this weekend or early next week. Should be interesting with only 26 psi, smaller cams, smaller turbo cover, smaller intercooler and pump gas it went 11.4@ 129 mph so i am thinking with the e85 tune and 35 psi with a good working EMS now and a consistent tune it should go 10.60’s all day long on street tires so whenever i am gonna take it down i’ll hit you up and see if you can make it i’ll take ya for a ride in it

maybe i can get off my lazy ass and get my car done so we can race :slight_smile: