730whp 460ftlbs @27psi on E98

I bought it at the end of may and i have almost depleated my supply troubleshooting problems all friggin summer. Thanks for the heads up tho.

What is your boosting issue that your having?

I used boost by gear w/ the s300 @ the track last week. I set my boost tables to 10psi in 1st gear 20psi in 2nd and 30psi in 3rd and 4th. Downloaded my datalogs and for some reason the car averaged about 12-13psi every pass. Never once hit the boost charted in the tables. It was super lazy. Changed the boost controller over to a manual single stage turbonetics i had and got the car to hit 25-26psi on the street with drag radials. For some reason the boost by gear is not responding correctly. Ran a 11.84@124 averaging 12-13psi…if i can get it to build boost properly it should be a beast!

im really not that familiar with hondata yet, but a possibility and i may be way off, but it says you have to pay extra to have your ecu set up to run the boost by gear, dont know if you included that when u bought urs, just trying to trouble shoot a little


yes i paid extra and everything is set up the way it should… thought it was a massive boost leak in the beggining but i checked it three times now and its completely sealed. its just not performing the way it should.

what about the boost solenoid your using?

What about it?

Are you useing the right boost by gear table?? There are 2 different modes jeff had the similar proble

ya, Jeff put all my high boost tables in the low boost section because it was the first one. Had the same trouble at the track. when I open the right one its dead on, works GREAT.

ya i thought of that as well, We have the psi charted on the low boost profile right now while we are troubleshooting.

how do you have yours setup to change between profiles?

Took the car for a rip tonight with the manual boost controller and it fixed the boosting problem. Did a 2-4th gear pull on the highway and 3rd-4th hit 27psi. It felt pretty rediculous compared to 13psi. Thats the first time the car put a smile on my face in a while. Time to buy a dual stage manual controller, then back to the track to try er out!

ordered a dual stage turbo xs boost controller should be here tomoro, planning on going to columbus for a track rental thursday



fuck ya “boo” we had national trail rented out for tomarrow and its calling for 60% chance of rain.