'76 cb360 cafe

That root beer color with the cream looks great

Well done

I’ve been calling it project root beer float. Checko doesn’t like naming stuff, though. lol

Got a little accomplished tonight after running around for parts and shit. Picked up allballs wheel bearings from buffalo bearing and some more paint for the tank. @focusinprogress and myself laced the rear wheel, he trued it. Installed wheel bearings, freshened up the brakes and reinstalled kush drive. Gotta get new bolts for the sprocket yet.



In love with that rim color!

Every time I see this thread pop up, I remember that I have an old bike sittign around that I should really do something with.

Edit: What tires are those?

Looks really nice guys. Keep it up.

This bikes been through quite a few transformations.

shinko 705s

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Thanks dude

I love seeing how far it’s come…

So much for swearing off old bikes BRUUHHH

I’m not keeping this when its done. I still stand by fuel injected sport bikes is where it’s at


these colors are looking SO good together.

They really do. Can’t wait to see this thing finished!

Teaser. Tank needs a wet sand and clear yet

That lighting isn’t doing you any favors-it looks like a pea green wheel color and a primer on the tank

wet sanding the base? did you run it?

Yea there’s two big fluorescent bulbs above it and it’s terrible trying to take pics inside

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digging the shape on that tank.

I would have made 0% of the color choices you have, but I understand why you did… and it looks really really good overall. :tup:

@Quattro Krant

any better?


Idk why my pics are being uploaded sideways