***9/02/07 NYSpeed end of summer BBQ @ Letchworth ***PAYMENT Deadline 8/20***

Great time! I’ll be pulling some photos of the RIT/Rochester cruise and a few of the event itself. Hopefully I’ll be posting them tomorrow.

Thanks again to all the guys who organized this! The food was amazing - better than any catering I’ve had.

It was great to meet a lot of people and put names with faces. Lots of good people, lots of good times.

Great food Great times nice to meet people that make me laugh pretty much every day when i am online.

that god damn ls1 fd got me on z highway. that thing is a fucking freight train on the highway.

I will get you… oh yes i will… the v-rod will get you.

Thanks to everyone for coming out. Im glad you all had a good time and im lookin forward to next year already!! HUGE thanks to mike and john for the door prizes, Thanks alot to Mike for the wicked awesome food, Joe and Dave for assisting in the collection efforts, and to newman and the crew of cronies for inventing a new extreme sport man-jam! I cant say enough about the good times I had, and the people i meet at these events.
SOOOO If you missed out , really these events are what make this site great. So next time be sure to get in its totally worth it~! Ive got pics and we should make a sperate thread for them,

sounds like it was a good time! i had somthing come up which changed my plans, sorry i couldn’t make it post up those pics!

werd i had a great time also ( i was NeonGLH guest/Shawn…idk why but whatever haha)

the food was definately kick ass! and it was cool meeting some new people.

good to meet a lot of the local guys,

Brent i want that LS1 FD so bad. argg

When can I spend my door prize :stuck_out_tongue:

haa haaaa


Awesome time today, i had fun on the cruise there (a little too much “drifting” fun) The food was amazing and it was great to see everyone out and to meet some new people as well.

Good times, ManJam!!! and :clap: Mike, thanks for the good food.



haa haaaa


and you better! It is like irony in it’s worst suit

I haD a good time.
thanks again


I have a good time.



Yeah Letchworth was pretty kickass just like last summer, looking forward to it next year :tup:



Yeah Letchworth was pretty kickass just like last summer, looking forward to it next year :tup:


I wouldn’t be laughing too hard, Burka. You abused the SHIT out of the apostrophe in my pics thread. :nono:

