9.3.06 No Frills Niagra Falls Canada

still clear here…

spencer and jay are just looking for excuses, as always, dont let it get the rest of you guys down.

pff… show cars… :wink:

Will be leaving at like 7-7:30, we plan on seeing everyone up there.

just talked to brian again, all clear and partly sunny up in canada

oh well, there is always next year :gotme:

mighty FTW

late mighty meet then cruise there lets say 15-20 min, be there

its still wet here :frowning:

so what rain doesnt hurt anything

if you are coming over dont take Queenston… 1 hour wait… josh it caught there now.

Rainbow FTW

edit: nvm looks like joe pussed out

i didnt puss out i just have to listen to people tell my how much of a waste i am

i <3 Joe.

Come to mighty tonight than

ok for the the weather scurrrrin people… about half the amount there is usually there…dident rain there once and when i was @ the border it was sunny and roads were dry…

:tdown: to the ppl that got scurred

i went weather was nice lots of ricers there but didnt see anyone there cept twizted and the few people i went with

The streets were bone dry and the weather was great up there :tup: