951 winter progress

ryan check your last post…you forgot to put a “1” before the “9”

Drift? Pah, not in this :wink:

Ok that might be a lie, but not mostly.

I’ll bet you assholes a Thursday night out it’s at the May Onyx trackday.

lol please, without me you wouldn’t know about thursday nights out…

haha… :tup: to progress, yet another worthy nyspeed project.

yay mike!!! when can i help?

That looks bad as hell. Nice progress.

whoa back at it

Just thought i’d let you know the roof scoop is not centered.

Nice Mike cant wait to see this out. It might be out before mine

I was gonna say, thats one HUGE roof scoop! lol

PS. Love the “Honey I Blew Up The Kid” poster on the wall haha.

Yeah, doing TA lips again on the same set of wheels. Well, same style, not same size obviously. Waiting on the rears to show up still, fronts are 18x10 ET40. Also working on building another set of wheels, but finding parts for those is difficult as Kinesis no longer retails anything decent.

nice thing to wake up to this morning

I sent it at 9pm! Stupid phone. :lol:

5:27AM for my picture message! :lol:

What the shit, why didn’t I receive said picture message.

Got the other front done. They will be on the car tomorrow when I get the chance to get the tires mounted. Still waiting on the rears. Heading out to work on the rear bodywork now… please excuse the shit cell phone photos, I dont have my camera on me for once.


luckily my phone was on silent, duche…

and i hope you enjoyed the pic of my :snky: i sent in return.

and 18X10 in the front! wtf who needs that much meat up front…

Been doing fitment, finally got the driver’s side “done” just gotta trim the wheel well and tin that up. Going to send the body panels out to be painted when I finish the other side in a few days, then they’ll get dzus fastener’d on.

X’s mark where dzus fasteners go. 16 per panel, but it’s easier than using bolts/nutserts or bonding them on. Not to mention more convenient if I have a bump while racing.

Trimmed even more away. That’s pretty much how it’s going to be, but I need to drill holes for the fasteners still.

Everything sits pretty much flush now. It’s coming along nicely now :slight_smile:

thats fucking monsterous applause

what size rear tire are you gonna be running?